GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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4 years ago
received a $352 initial payment.
""I received the first transfer and was able to renovate my house with a new veranda and new door frames."
View Lolence's
4 years ago
"The money will go towards building a good house for me and my family. We always struggle every rainy season since the house leaks a lot. The other money will go towards buying clothes for me and my children as well as other house utensils."
View Sainabu's
4 years ago
"Food insecurity is always a problem for us. We struggle to raise enough to buy food which will be adequate for us even for the whole week. We always depend on small piece works which just enable us to afford food for that day."
View Amina's
4 years ago
"To be honest the biggest hardship i have is hunger,we always have insufficient food in this house,I'm a farmer yes but most times we harvest things that can't even take us through out the year,so I'm planning to use part of the transfer to buy food."
View Ethel's
4 years ago
"The biggest hardship of my life has always been hunger,I'm a farmer yes but to be honest having no money for farm inputs like,fertiliser,proper farm equipments,seeds and likes really leads to almost 0 harvest hence we always have no food each and every year and we starve."
View Asiyatu's
4 years ago
"Receiving this money will help us as a family improve our home by expanding it. The current house that we are staying in is so small especially our bedroom. Our children are all grown and the expanded room shall be used as their bedroom as we have our privacy as the parents. I also intend to use the remaining amount to improve my poultry keeping project by adding more chicken. The idea to improve my poultry keeping project was informed by the fact that we may have surge in needs for our family going forward especially payment of school fees."
View Lorna's
4 years ago
"Receiving this money means financial empowerment to me. These funds will enable me to venture into cereals business with a capital of $150 and also start up a Poultry rearing project that will cost me approximately $300 right from building a poultry unit, buying 15 chicken to start with, and their feeds. I also intend to buy a 2-acre piece of land for $600 to relocate in since my sister and I currently share the 1 acre we inherited from our parents."
View Faith's
4 years ago
received a $494 initial payment.
"I spent most of my transfer on eight dorper sheep breeds because they give birth twice a year, multiply fast and it will become an income source for my family.They are also easily manageable and very marketable. I also bought a 10 metre chain link fence for fencing my sheep yard in order to prevent them from straying away. The rest was spent on sugar, lunch and fare."
View Stephen's
4 years ago
received a $494 initial payment.
"I spent 400USD on timber which will act as a replacement wall for three roomed 30 Iron roofed semi permanent house.This because nowadays in my place there is scarcity of house smearing mud and timber is more durable.I spent 60 USD on clothing because I had only pair of clothing meant for occasions.I had worn it for a long time therefore one could easily identify me by clothing even from a far. With the new clothing I now more decent, fashionable and very happy."
View Joyce's
4 years ago
received a $494 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is purchase of a heifer which I wanted to own for the past two years since I married but couldn't afford. This will act as a long term milk source and income source for my family. Building a l two roomed spacious house which can accommodate visitors is another big difference. Before when my in-laws came for sleep over visit, I would be forced to seek for accommodation in neighbor's houses because my house was a single tiny room which was a bedroom and kitchen at same time."
View Benard's