GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 4 years ago
received a $336 second payment.
"I think i will be a good idea if Givedirectly would Increase the transfer and apart from that i believe the organization is conducting its processes very well."
View Eliza's
almost 4 years ago
received a $336 second payment.
"GiveDirectly does not do anything the wrong way. It does well by enrolling in its program people that are really needy and vulnerable. The other thing that GiveDirectly does so well is actually giving out cash to people for them to make their own choices on how to spend it."
View Mary's
almost 4 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion, Give Directly does a good job by giving people unconditional cash. This has given most people a chance to be financially empowered especially those who had no hopwe in life. On the other hand, there is no area they are not good at. I would encourage them to keep up with the good work."
View Shauri's
almost 4 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"Had I not received the money my life would still have not improved. My children would still be walking and sleeping in rags because I could not afford other decent clothing and bedding. In a ddition if it was not for the money I would not be having ox plough. I am glad and l will forever be grateful to GD for the big steps I made."
View Eunice's
almost 4 years ago
"The one-roomed house I live in with my two children is in terrible condition. It leaks in water during rainy seasons thus a hazard to my children. I end up spending a lot of money on hospital visits seeking pneumonia treatment for my children which makes me feel like a disappointment to them. Lack of a sustainable source of income has made It hard for me to build up savings that would enable me to construct better shelter for my family, which is the biggest hardship I face."
View Emily's
almost 4 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion, Give Directly does well in giving people cash and let them decide on how to spend them. The idea has enabled so many people to improve their lives. On the other hand, they are not doing anything wrong that needs to be worked on."
View Amina's
almost 4 years ago
received a $509 second payment.
"My life is currently different from how it would have been had I not received the transfer because I have made a huge step in life. Through the money I managed to purchase livestock and I am proud for having made the great step. I could not afford them previous because I did not have a reliable source of income ."
View Priscar's
almost 4 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion , Give Directly does well by giving people cash and let them decide on how to spend it. Through the programme most of the people who were financially unstable have achieved much in life. On the other hand, they do not have any area that they need to improve on."
View Chengo's
almost 4 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"I bought building materials with the second transfer which I am planning to use to construct a better house. The current house is small, it's a single room that can not fit us but we still have to squeeze in it. Part of the money I spent on my child's medical bill. She fell ill while she was in school but I am glad she improved and did well in her final year in primary.
A portion of the money I spent on my children's school fee. They do not owe the school anymore."
View Halima's
almost 4 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"I bought a second hand motorcycle with the first transfer but it needed a lot of services to be done for it to operate. When I received the second transfer, I spent it on servicing the the motorcycle. I am glad it is now in good condition and working well. Since we walk for many kilometres in search of water, the motorcycle has come in handy for fetching water both for domestic and livestock use. I also earn income from it since I operate it for taxi services too.
Besides that, my children who are in primary school owed the school a huge fee balance so I cleared the balance with part of the second transfer."
View Francis's