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Newsfeed > Halima's Profile
Halima's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($492 USD)
access_time 3 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My life has improved as compared to how it would have been had I not received the transfer. Previously I did not have a reliable source of income and the little I earned could barely meet the basic needs. I could not even afford sleeping in proper bedding and all I could afford were some rags but through the transfers I now have decent bedding. For the first time in a long time I am sleeping in a bed. I also have cows that I consider to be an investment because in the future after they have given birth I will not only have additional cows but I will also have milk both for sale and family consumption.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, giving unconditional transfers was the best step taken by Give Directly since it has helped raise people's living standards. Those who had totally lost hope in life are now somewhere and they made great steps in life. On the other hand, I would urge them to continue with the good work. There is no area of improvement.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I bought building materials with the second transfer which I am planning to use to construct a better house. The current house is small, it's a single room that can not fit us but we still have to squeeze in it. Part of the money I spent on my child's medical bill. She fell ill while she was in school but I am glad she improved and did well in her final year in primary. A portion of the money I spent on my children's school fee. They do not owe the school anymore.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($494 USD)
access_time over 3 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I heard a message come into my phone and a few moments later, my trustee came to my house to assist me to check the message. She is also a recipient and she came to inform me of my transfers after she had received hers on that morning. I was very happy when she confirmed to me that I had received the transfers as I felt that the money would ease some of my financial burden.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life is that I feel like I have moved a stepped forward in life. I feel like some of my financial burden has been eased as I now own and rear livestock and I will also own a new and bigger house soon.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent my transfers to buy two cows, to purchase a mattress for my children and I, and to buy iron sheets for building a new house. I live with my five children in a one-roomed house, and at my parent's home, after separating with my husband 16 years ago. My husband remarried and moved on with his new wife. The house that we currently live in has a leaking roof that allows rain water in the house, whenever it rains. I sell coconut and charcoal for a living which is never sufficient for me and my children. I was happy when I received the transfers as I could never have imagined that I would ever build a house. I am also happy that I can rear and keep livestock that I bought, which can bring me some profit in future. My children and I used to sleep on the floor, but we now have a comfortable mattress that we can sleep on.
access_time over 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
My greatest desire has been to construct a good house for my family. Currently, I am living in a small, leaking house which serves as my kitchen at the same time. Receiving this money means fulfillment of my wish of owning a decent shelter. I am planning to spend $ 300 to build a two-roomed house, one room for myself and the other for my children and I will also use $150 to purchase bedding.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Morning and afternoon are always the busy part of my day , performing my household chores and prepare charcoal for sale. This activities drain a lot of energy, I use the evenings to relax and prepare dinner for my family. My children are always happy when they see me around them which also makes me happy. Therefore, I consider evening as the happiest part of my day.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Imagine spending a night on the floor with 5 children in a house which leaks during the rainy season has been my way of life since I separated with my husband 10 years ago. Being a single parent providing for the need of my family especially shelter has been my biggest challenge in my life. I depend on charcoal burning which earns me less than a dollar per day.