GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
John's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
John enrolled.
"I am so glad to receive this money. I have been struggling with my small house. I can not comfortably sleep with my family due to how small my home is. This is an opportunity for me to build a new house."
Patuma's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Patuma enrolled.
"I am so glad to be enrolled in this programme. I know I will use this money to make a huge difference in my home"
Enifa's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Enifa enrolled.
"I am so happy to receive these funds. I will use this money to build a new house and also buy fertilizer"
Dalia's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Dalia enrolled.
"I am so happy to receive these funds. I will use this money to build a new house. As you can see we live in a very small house"
Marietar's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Marietar received a $515 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is the pride I have owning nkt just a house but a decent brick house. I will never sleep in people's houses again, especially whenever it rains."
Mateso's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Mateso received a $515 initial payment.
"The moment when I received my money I felt so happy and thanked God for the blessings. With the money I believed that I would achieve all that I longed for but I could not afford."
Enock's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Enock enrolled.
"I work as a taxi driver in our nearby village. Despite being employed, I have not managed to construct a good house for my family because the wages are not enough to sustain all our needs. Currently, we are staying in a small structure that is not spacious. I am planning to spend 60,000 Kenya shillings to set up a semipermanent house in which we can leave comfortable. Other than that, I will use the remaining amount to purchase 10 goats with a view of selling them in the future when they multiply. This is going to generate income for us."
Mwajuma's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Mwajuma enrolled.
"Receiving this money means improving food security for the family. This has been my ambition for a long time since we depend on subsistence farming for a living. To make it productive, one requires better farming equipment to till a bigger piece of land as well as catching up with the irregular rainfall patterns. Since we lack money, we use the small hoe and the much we can achieve is one acre of land that produces little food which lasts for only 3 months. I am planning to spend 40000 shillings to purchase a pair of oxen and a plough to scale up farming. This will also generate income once we hire to the neighbours."
Kabibi's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Kabibi enrolled.
"Financial constraint as a result of a poor source of income is my biggest hardship. Earning 800 shillings a month from my charcoal burning job means I cannot meet all my needs. Sometimes I can go for weeks without getting a coin when I fail to find a customer. This contributes greatly to my miserable life since I cannot afford most decent living."
Fanny's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Fanny enrolled.
"With my old age it is so pathetic that no one really cares for me,i do almost everything by my self,i relay on farming to actually eat and i can't hire any one to cultivate the farm for me since i don't have any source of income where i can get some money to pay these people as a result i struggle sorely to actually produce farm products. Secondly none of my grandchildren literally cares to cook or clean my house for me,it turns out that i do all the house chores my self which is very difficulty with my age."