GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 4 years ago
received a $516 initial payment.
"Upon receiving my first transfer, I spent part of it on purchasing livestock. I obtained a good breed of a cow that came with a calf. This has seen us produce enough milk for domestic use without having to buy as we used to do before. It has cut down on our expenses, and we can now save a little bit higher amount of money for other household needs than what we were initially saving. We decided to spend the remaining amount of money on purchasing enough household foodstuff, and other needs which were still missing."
View Wesley's
almost 4 years ago
"It's means that now I will be able to afford all the things that I never thought I would."
View Siileni's
almost 4 years ago
"I used to struggle mainly in affording food for my home because all I depend on is farming so it is not usually profitable."
View Misheck's
almost 4 years ago
"It means so much to me to chosen to be part of this program and i am very excited and humbled, this money will help me and my family to accomplish my desire of building a decent house."
View Enelesi's
almost 4 years ago
"Educating my kids has been my top most position in life. All of my seven kids have been able to finish primary education. Two of them managed to finish their secondary level and proceeded to college. For the rest, they enrolled to youth poly technic courses and gained valuable skills. Paying for their school fees has been an uphill task for me. My husband is a casual labourer(a cook) at a nearby local secondary school while myself, I am a housewife. The little pay my husband gets is hardly enough to cater for all the basic needs including education costs. As a result, we have sold some of our limited resources like livestock to cater for these costs. My inability to help my husband in settling these costs sums up the biggest hardship I have ever experienced."
View Eunice's
almost 4 years ago
received a $516 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is the pride and happiness I have for having constructed a bigger house. The previous house was such a shame to stay in but since I did not have a choice I had to stay in it. I will forever be grateful to Give Directly for enabling me to achieve this."
View John's
almost 4 years ago
received a $516 initial payment.
"The moment when I received the money I felt so happy because this meant the beginning of my success. I had alot in plan but I could not achieve them since I did not have the means. When I received the money I knew that my dreams were finally put into practice ."
View Kahonzi's
almost 4 years ago
"Crop failure in my farm has been one of my biggest worry. I have not had a successful maize harvest for the past 7 years mainly as a result of drought and crop disease. This means that we solely have to look for casual labor so as to buy maize flour for my family, something we could have easily avoided if maize harvest would have been successful."
View Sharon's
almost 4 years ago
"Lack of finances as a result of no formal employment is my biggest hardship. I solely rely on my husband to provide for the basic needs of the family. I left school in class seven and so I cannot get any employment opportunities. My husband on the other hand also goes out to look for casual labor that earns him approximately KES 400 - 500 which is not enough for us to meet our basic needs because he doesn't get any job on several occasions."
View Faith's
almost 4 years ago
"Lack of finances is my biggest worry at the moment. I am a housewife who solely depends on my husband, who does not have any formal employment or a constant income stream to provide for the needs of the family when he gets casual labor such as digging in other people's farms."
View Vivian's