GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been if I never received the transfers in that I have bought a heifer. I used to buy milk daily and this was so costly for me. My neighbor at some point game me a dairy cow. I depend on small scale farming and the harvest that I get is so small and only for consumption. I do not have an extra income to buy a dairy cow. When I received the second transfer I felt so happy because GiveDirectly enabled me to own a heifer. I know in the next few when it reproduce I will be able to get enough milk for my family and even sell the surplus at the market to earn an income. I will no longer get stress up on how to get the money to buy dairy cow."
View Recho's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion GiveDirectly does well by giving money to the poor in the community to build better houses and to buy livestock. I do not find anything that GiveDirectly did not do well."
View Denis's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been if I never received the transfers in that I have bought a heifer. This is the best investment that I have always wished to start. I used to buy milk daily and this was so costly for me. In our village we depend on small scale farming mostly. To get some money to buy the dairy cow was so hard. The cost of buying milk daily was a huge task for me. When I received the second transfer I invested on this amazing business. I know in the next few months my family will have enough milk and I will sell the surplus to earn an income. I am so happy because GiveDirectly has changed my living standard. They have given me hope to still strive for greatness. I have devoted much of my time on this and I am planing to buy another dairy cow."
View Johnstone's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion GiveDirectly does well by giving money to the poor in the community to build better houses and to pay school fees for their children. I do not find anything that GiveDirectly did not do well."
View David's
over 3 years ago
received a $509 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been if I never received the transfers in that I have build a better house for my sons. My sons used to sleep at the neighbor's house because I had not build them their own. Walking at night was so risky for them, especially during the rainy season, they were exposed to cold. I was so worried. I do small scale farming and the harvest that we get is only for consumption and sometimes we sell the surplus at the market to earn an income to pay the school fees. I didn't had an extra money to build them a house. When I received the second transfer I started buying the building material and build them a house. Currently they no longer walk for that distance to sleep at the neighbor's house, they are no longer exposed to cold because they have their own house. They can do assignment without any disturbance. They also have their own privacy. I am so grateful because GiveDirectly has changed our living standard.
Neighbors house
View William's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship in my life is to provide food and education for my family. I have two children that I have to raise single handedly. Being that I rely on casual jobs, which are hard to find, I have to struggle and even start a small business to help me with this in the near future."
View Daisy's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship that I face in my life is having two grown sons who do not have a room of their own to sleep in. They spent their nights in the kitchen which is uncomfortable for me. I find it hard to have to wake them up so that I can prepare morning meals before I leave for my business."
View Zaddy's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well by giving out financial aid and I do not see anything that they do not do well."
View Mercy's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"The house we were living in was small and could not accomodate my growing family comfortably. This is because it was a one room house which served a our bedrokm, sitting room and kitchen for my family with this, we had not privacy at all. When I received my transfer, I decided to spend around KES 20,000 to build a more spacious house. I had already bought enough iron sheets using my first transfer and only had to buy the remaining materials like timber, nails and paid for the labor. In addition, I spent KES 19,000 to purchase a heifer. I settled on this as a way of reducing my daily expenditure on milk in future when it reproduces. Using the remaining amount, I bought some clothes and food stuffs for my family."
View Joyce's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this transfer means practicing livestock keeping. This has been my desire to have a long-term investment, but due to financial challenges, this dream has never come to pass. I am planning to spend 50,000 shillings to purchase 2 indigenous dairy cows and 5 goats. I hope that they will multiply in the future and be able to sell them and educate my 4 children who are in primary school. Also, it is going to generate income for my family. In a day I can sell at least 6 liters of milk and make 300 shillings which are enough to sustain all our needs such as food. Other than that, I will invest the remaining part of the transfer in small businesses (kiosks) which is an additional source of income."
View Kache's