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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
"We have since been depending from my husband who is a casual laborer in somebody's home, we literally spend the little he gets in buying food, sometimes when I have visitors in my home I end up looking for a place they can sleep which is a shame in our community. My children are never stable in school as they are asked to come home for school fees.All this is a struggle to me in day in day out."
View Decla's
over 3 years ago
"Being a house wife and doing casual jobs in order to afford basic needs has been a tall order to me and my family, we use what my husband gets from the business in buying food and paying for school fees."
View Naomi's
over 3 years ago
"I need to buy a dairy cow. I depend on my mother for milk. I expect to spend 400 dollars of my transfer buying that cow. This will help me generate more income. I would also like to buy 2 goats. This will cost me around 80 dollars and the rest of the money i will use to pay school fees for my children."
View Joan's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship has been financial constraints. My son was studying medical course in Machakos and since iam a single mother getting money was a challenge. I went into debt because of that. Even though he has cleared school i am still struggling to clear this debts."
View Jane's
over 3 years ago
"I am partially deaf and that is my biggest challenge.I used to hear well but later in life we had a scuffle with my late husband ,women used to be beaten by their husband ,wife battering was the order of the day,he hit me with an object on my right ear and ever since I have never hear on that ear. The other one is abit better though I can't hear well also,It pains me sometime."
View Rebecca's
over 3 years ago
"I dropped in class 7 because of lack of school . I didn't manage to register for class 8 exams ,so my education ended there and it affected me much .This is because my parents were poor and also my father passed on when we were still young. It is against this backdrop that my life has not been such decent,I feel that had I continue with my education my life could be better."
View Vincent's
over 3 years ago
"I have always wanted to own a better house ,an iron sheet roofed abode .As you can see I live in this grass thatched house .I cannot harvest clean water for drinking, I don't have a decent house to welcome visitors and church members when they come visiting,since I cook inside it emits alot of smoke,so it's not comfortable to stay inside . It has always been my desire to own a better house ,you could not have come at a better time like this,I am so excited.
I intend to build a house of 22 iron sheets ,I will also buy timber .It will cost me approximately USD 520. The rest of the money will go towards purchasing a dairy cow,I will always be seeing and knowing that I used the money to purchase it and for the foreseeable future it will benefit me and my family"
View Alice's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money mean better education for my grand children. I gave birth to 3 sons who live here at home with me but their economic activities is to burn charcoal whatever they get cater to feed their children only. Thus they have been unable to raise school fees to educate their kids. As their grandmother I plan to use first transfer to clear huge balances they have in their schools, the second transfer I plan to construct a semi- permanent house for me and my husband."
View Nyevu's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means land ownership. I have been living on family land since I got married which belongs to my father in-law. Recently I bought my piece of land but it is too small for my family to reside in there and cultivate as well. I plan to use 50000 to purchase 2 acres of land for an agriculture project and also build a home. I also plan to use 15000 to buy a cow and the rest of the money to pay school fees for my children."
View Zawadi's
over 3 years ago
"I am an old woman who has no strength to engage in any economic activities. Besides, I have been sick for more than 8 years. I was diagnosed with Tuberculosis that weakened me and I could no longer engage in any casual jobs that I used to do like farming for other people to get money. I also suffered eye problem that made me to undergo surgery for my right eye. This has really been a challenge for me to engage in any economic activities. Over the years I have been depending on my children to take care of me which to some extent, made me feel like I am a burden to them. I intend to use the cash transfer to buy goats and cows. This will help me to start selling milk and sell the goats when the multiply. This will be my store of wealth for my grand children in future as a compensation to my children for standing with me while I was sick. Receiving this money therefore means starting a livestock farming."
View Nzingo's