GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Dominic's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Dominic enrolled.
"Lately, the cost of living has risen which has affected us a lot, especially the cost of food. We depend on casual jobs which have become hard to come by and so it is a tall order to put food on the table. We have resorted to food rationing where we skip lunch just to have supper so in a day we survive on one meal. Sometimes we feel so hungry but we have no otherwise but to withstand the situation. In the past, we used to buy 2 kg of maize grain at $0.7 but it has since tripled to $2.20 per 2 Kg which is expensive and at times unaffordable."
Andrew's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Andrew enrolled.
"Life is not easy, we are faced with a myriad of challenges that have derailed us from progressing and improving our standards of living. We made a deliberate resolution to educate our children to better themselves and to assist us in our old age when they get employed. We are people of little means, I am employed as a watchman in the nearby Kimatisio Catholic parish and earning a paltry $40 per month which is hardly enough to meet our needs. I have sold all the livestock to cater to the school fees of my children. Raising schools is a major challenge that we are faced with right now and it has made our lives extremely difficult."
Dearest's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Dearest received a $243 second payment.
""The house I'm presently living in is very old and there are so many people living in the house. There is no privacy. for this reason, I have decided to save my to buy zinc and build a better house for me and my grandchildren.""
Annie's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Annie received a $231 initial payment.
""Looking at my age right now and seeing myself living in this old house has been very disheartened. Since husband die, I been living here alone. Seeing some citizens rejoicing upon receiving their first transfer was very disappointing me. But when I received mine, wow. I didn't know how the pain got out of body. The happiness was too much that I forgot that I was old.""
Stephen's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Stephen received a $243 second payment.
""Coming from a very poor background and not having anything to begin your life with is not a easy thing. I wish to see myself in college by next year. With my recent and last transfer received from GiveDirectly and others funding that I have been keeping, I know I can accomplish my dream of being a university graduate.""
Sampson's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Sampson received a $231 initial payment.
""With the desired of helping my Mother rebuild our old house, I used a portion of the money and bought the first one bundle of zinc as a start up material. Most importantly, before this transfer I was always wishing for such an opportunity that could enable me start a business that will be of help to me and my Mother. Therefore I used the balance money and bought fourteen gallons of gas for the so purpose of selling it. With this I'm hopeful that I will always have a source of income for my family.""
Mercy's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Mercy received a $243 second payment.
"GiveDirectly is doing excellently well by taking us from poverty and I really appreciate them a lot. I am making a recommendation for GiveDirectly to please help our brothers and sisters in the neighbouring towns and villages as they have done for us."
Mamie's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Mamie received a $243 second payment.
"My most recent transfer was spent on the buying of assorted building materials for my construction and the payment of my daughter's tuition."
Ramino's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Ramino received a $243 second payment.
"I am an agriculturalist, and I have been planning to make a large cocoa farm , but there have been no money to do such. I am hoping to make a very large cocoa farm from this Givedirectly transfer in this coming year."
Lawrence's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Lawrence received a $231 initial payment.
""The joyed and excitement I felt that day I received my first transfer cannot be explained. It was early in the morning when I saw the message on my phone. To admit when I saw the message it was life a dream to me because I know the struggles one had to go through to raise such a huge amount of money. So getting it free was a miracle to me. After going through my transfer message over and over with so much joyed, the first thing that came to mind was how to plaster my house. This project seen live forever to complete due to financial constraints.""