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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"My biggest obstacle has been nutrition-related, especially since my spouse passed away and left me as the household's sole provider. Despite my efforts, I was unable to locate a work; fortunately, GiveDirectly appeared. Particularly when it comes to providing for the nutrition of myself and my three children, the cash I have been receiving from the organization has been of great assistance. Similar to last year, I'll utilize the money to make sure my kids don't go hungry. As it is rather common for them to get kicked out of school when I miss paying the school fees, I will then go ahead and pay for their tuition as well. I'll make sure that they can keep pursuing their education without any interruption."
View Dama's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
View Jumwa's
over 2 years ago
received a $243 second payment.
""In the coming year, I hope to complete my house project so that my family can have a decent place to live"."
View Mercy's
over 2 years ago
"I am a barber by profession and I earn $35 a month. However, this job is seasonal and sometimes unpredictable. As a family man, I am required to provide for my family of 3 always but unfortunately, finances have been a pitfall. It pains me when I do not meet the family's needs always hence viewing myself as a failure."
View Mickey's
over 2 years ago
"I have lived in this village for last 5 years. Came here in 2017 when I separated with my then husband in Nakuru. My brother gave me this house to stay at with my family of 7. The biggest challenge is that I don't have a place to call home. This land belongs to my brother. It's expected that as time goes by, I buy my own land to settle. It makes me sad because women are not allowed to own ancestral land in our culture. To do some planting, I am forced to hire a piece of land. This affects my ability to plant crops such as maize, groundnuts and millet. Therefore, we may not have enough food as a family."
View Grace's
over 2 years ago
"We used to depend on charcoal burning to earn a living but this has been restricted by the government. I could earn $40 in a week which was enough to sustain the basic needs of my family. Recently, I am not able to even purchase food for lack of money. I am forced to seek casual jobs which can earn me only $5 in a week. Financial constraints is the greatest challenge."
View Lydia's
over 2 years ago
"Land determines how successful you can be as a farmer and the more you have it, the better the income you can get. I have a 0.5 acre farm right now and I use this space to rear 2 dairy cows. I make an average of $25 monthly throughout the year. My income is little basically due to the high cost of production. I am forced to buy feed that I could have produced if I had enough land size. I therefore wish to increase the current land size by another half an acre."
View Benard's
over 2 years ago
"I am facing a big challenge currently with my income which has been the root cause of all the problems that I am facing. I am a teacher by profession and I earn $40 every month from coaching students in a nearby primary school. This amount half of it goes to paying my student loan and the rest is left to cater to the needs of my family of 3 and for my parent also. This leaves me with nothing to invest or acquire any asset. This is a trend that has been worrying me for a long time now that in future I'll have nothing to show for in the work that am currently doing."
View Ngenoh's
over 2 years ago
"I currently face a problem of sickness in family. My wife experienced a swelling on the long and she operated which has put her off work and yet we have been struggling together to look for money in order to meet basic needs.
I also face a problem of poverty which has kept me in stress since I am un able to raise school fees for my children making them to attend school irregularly."
View Bwayo's
over 2 years ago
"I currently face a problem of landslide which makes us always that may be swept away and lose our live. I also go through hardships to raise school because I am un able to start up even a small business that can earn dialy income to cater basic needs and school for my children."
View Wakobubi's