GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a $243 fourth payment.
"In the coming year i want to have a new house where i would live with my immediate family while i give the old one to my other relative,with that i would feel proud of myself."
View Derick's
over 2 years ago
received a $243 fourth payment.
"My plan for my most recent transfer is to grow my farm by adding more crops and paying for labour because it's my farm that has been sustaining me so far and by growing it will sustain me even more."
View Mary's
over 2 years ago
received a $243 fourth payment.
"I want to spend this transfer on the house project, I hire chainsaw operator to produce planks for the house."
View Young's
over 2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"Sincerely, my life has been full of struggles. Putting food on the table and taking my four children to school has been a thorny journey to walk through. For the last 30 years, my main source of income was charcoal burning which was unreliable. I separated from my husband nine years ago and I had to leave with my children since I felt they would suffer at his hands. Staying at my parent's home has not been an easy thing because I know in my absence, my children will not have a place to live. Currently, I am very happy because I have seen light at the end of the tunnel. Receiving this transfer from GiveDirectly will enable me to fulfill my desire of building my home with my children. Already I have a lead to where to purchase a one-acre piece of land and I feel my life has already changed for the better."
View Kahaso's
over 2 years ago
received a third payment.
"I want to see myself being a medical doctor and living a very good life in the years to come, accomplishing that will put me and the position to be of help to others thus, giving me so much joy."
View Uriah's
over 2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that I am optimistic that I would be able to own a nice structure. This will restore the joy in my life since we would no longer have to speed sleepless nights due to the leaking roof. Moreover, I can provide for the basic needs of the family like food without any struggle and our kids no longer go to bed without food."
View Kaneno's
over 2 years ago
received a second payment.
"Next year I wish to accomplish me building my new house because where I live is not decent."
View Dickson's
over 2 years ago
received a third payment.
"I spent my most recent transfer on school fees for my child because i want her to be a better person and not be looked down upon others all because she didn't go to school."
View Paul's
over 2 years ago
received a $243 second payment.
"GiveDirectly is doing very well with the cash transfer, making sure that the money is reaching the recipients with no third party being involved."
View Titus's
over 2 years ago
received a second payment.
""My brother look at me, at my age I am still living in my father's house. It doesn't make sense. I had always wanted to have a place of my own and move out of my parent's house. Then came GiveDirectly with this unconditional assistance. I immediately bought zinc, have paid people to cut sticks for my house. I myself started cutting my sticks. I paid some community boys to haul the sticks to the to town. My brothers helped me to clear the spot for my house"."
View Terry's