GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a $28 ninth payment.
"After seeing the consistency of GiveDirectly in sending me some money, I became certain that the program will for sure take me through the promised five years. Having this security, I developed a goal that I would like to accomplish before the year elapses. My desire has been investing in livestock farming specifically goats because they withstand the harsh climatic condition of our area. Not only withstanding drought but also they are cheap to purchase and maintain as well as easily convertible to monetary value due to their ready markets."
View Kadzo's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 ninth payment.
"I am a mother of four primary school-going children. As per their age, they are in classes five, three, two, and nursery respectively. Since my husband and I both do casual labor of burning charcoal, it has been a struggle to pay school fees for our children as well as put some meals on the table. After seeing the consistency of how the money is sent to me from GiveDirectly, I came up with a plan that will aid me in catering for my children without straining much as I used to do. I have planned to save at least $20 every month to buy some goats as an investment. Through this plan, I will be having more than 10 goats when the year comes to an end because mature goats give birth twice a year only if all the conditions remain constant. I opted to do this because it will serve as security for my children's education. If the time for joining secondary school reaches I will have the liberty of selling some of the goats to facilitate my children."
View Dhahabu's
over 2 years ago
"After my died in 2010 after he returned from a camping site in Bulucheke, life became so hard for me and my children. In that acquiring school fee and food became a great challenge for me. I did remarrie again to another man hoping I would get the support I needed but still I feel he does offer adequate school to me and my children."
View Buwenje's
over 2 years ago
"The challange am currently facing is the challenge of running water/ flash floods that has caused alot of destructions on our gardens and also too much coldness which at times causes sickness that requires money to go to hospital for treatment and yet we don't have what it takes hence affecting our health, shortage of food is also a big challenge because we hardly have two meals in a day. Heavy winds that blows and break trees and matoke/ bananas"
View Koloto's
over 2 years ago
"The challanges that am currently facing is majorly poverty which has led to failure to pay school fees for all my children at school, also shortage of land for farming and settlement because where we are currently staying is very risky and prone to disasters like landslides and flash floods. One of the causes of poverty is the challange of flash floods that has kept on destroying my small garden where we get food for the family hence leading to a lot of hunger."
View Nabisawa's
over 2 years ago
View Watsemba's
over 2 years ago
"The challange that am facing currently is flash floods as a result of too much rains which has destroyed our crops which has led to hunger in my family due to poor yields or harvest because most of the crops are destroyed by water."
View Miliselina's
over 2 years ago
"I am currently facing a challenge of landslide which has hit one side of my house which has made us stay un comfortably and with a lot of worries that might die anytime.
I also suffer a problem of poverty which doesn't allow children to attend school regularly and they cannot attend good schools."
View Namalwa's
over 2 years ago
"I face a challenge of landslide which has always scared me that I die any time with my people. They have also destroyed crops and this has caused hunger in my family which leads us to bad life."
View Lubango's
over 2 years ago
"I currently face a problem of poverty which doesn't enable me to meet all basic needs and paying school fees for my people.
I also suffer a problem of landslide which has destroyed has always destroyed my crops leaving my people without food. We are staying with lots of fears that landslides will kill us any time."
View Khawanga's