GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Waitagei's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Waitagei received a $433 second payment.
"For the time that I got to engage with GiveDirectly staff, I did notice anything that they should work towards improving and I would urge them to continue doing the great work that they normally do of uplifting people in the society."
Florence's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Florence received a $28 ninth payment.
"The house my mother owns is dilapidated. The house's walls are curved to one side due to the weakening of the poles that were used to construct it. Being the oldest daughter, I am solely in charge of fixing the house and making sure she has a better place to live. Since I am a housekeeper and make a meager living, it has taken me a while to build her a decent home. I bought 14 pieces of iron sheeting over the course of the previous year in order to build my mother a brand-new, sturdy home. My ultimate objective is to purchase building poles, cement, and sand, finish the house by the end of the year, and allow her to move in."
Dama's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Dama received a $28 ninth payment.
"After my husband and I separated, I ended up being a single parent, and he completely abandoned taking care of his own kids, which has in turn left a huge burden on my shoulders. These funds mean a lot to me because they help me cater to the needs of my four children, especially in these tough times. Therefore, I intend to use a significant amount of these transfers to pay for tuition fees for my kids. Afterwards, I plan on investing in poultry farming because this could come in handy in the long run. I also want to make certain that my family is well-fed."
George's family
access_time over 2 years ago
George received a $28 ninth payment.
"There are no enough words to thank Give Directly for allowing me to complete my house construction project and buy a bed and mattress through the transfer. Now my focus is on acquiring livestock, specifically goats for rearing. I have been looking after people’s livestock as a job for a while, and I feel it is perfect time that I owned mine. Come early next year, I envision to have raised at least ten goats. After that, I will start saving towards erecting a concrete pillar around the mud walls of my house to reinforce them."
Karisa's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Karisa received a $28 ninth payment.
"My main goal is to renovate my house. Currently, the iron sheets are very old and leak profusely during the rainy season. Apart from the renovation, I would like to start livestock farming as an investment. To achieve these two goals, I made an alternating plan for the transfers. This year, I will be spending $30 in all the even number months, specifically for the livestock and I save $20 in all the prime number months for the roof renovation. The house requires 12 pieces of iron sheets and I am pretty sure that by the end of the year, I will be having $120 which can facilitate that since an iron sheet goes for $9. And for the investment, I will also have a good number of goats since I buy a goat in every even number month. After this, the long-term plan is to convert the goats into cows. This is the dream investment I am planning for."
Josephine's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Josephine received a $28 ninth payment.
"The fact that I have been receiving have offered quite a huge help especially when it comes down to paying bills. The money has also enabled me to help my husband financially so that he is not always overwhelmed. For the future. I intend on using quite a substantial amount of the transfers to cater for tuition fees for my four children who are still in primary school while my husband looks after the other two in college. Givedirectly has also enabled mean to purchase two goats so far but I would also really love to own a cow, but since they're quite costly I will save up a portion of the money I get with every transfer and eventually when I have enough money I make the purchase."
Zawadi's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Zawadi received a $28 ninth payment.
"The huge hole on the side of my roof that was left when strong winds blew the iron sheets away really frustrates me. Not only does it let in too much light, but also allows a lot of water in when it rains, leaving the space too dump for shelter. Also, being a one room house, it is too small for my husband, our six children, and me. It’s more distressing when I get visitors, because I have to request my mother-in-law to accommodate them. That is why, my mind is at building a new two-room house, made of mud-walls and iron sheet roof. Though I can barely account for the budget as of now, I plan to start saving at least half of each upcoming transfer to complete the project."
Kamuche's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Kamuche received a $28 ninth payment.
"This year, I want to buy goats and chicks to raise. They are the best type of investment since they can endure the drought in our region, which is what encourages me to invest in them. My target for the year is to achieve a total of six . The money I will get from them, along with the money I make from my charcoal business, will make it very simple for me to support my family. Once I've accomplished this, I'll work on repairing my huose's roof so that we can have a good place to live. I am grateful for the help because it has given me the chance to better myself, and I am sure that by the end of the year, I will have accomplished my objectives."
Kadzo's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Kadzo received a $28 ninth payment.
"I am in a merry-go-round group comprising fifteen, each member contributes $20 per month using our GiveDirectly transfers for savings. I expect to receive my savings of $100 in February which I intend to use to take my daughter to college to pursue a tailoring course. She finished her secondary education last year but due to my unsustainable financial situation, I could not afford to take her to college. With the savings I have in the group, I am optimistic that I will be able to top it up with the money from my charcoal business to enroll her in the course next month."
Guyathe's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Guyathe received a $28 ninth payment.
"I opened a small kiosk business selling silver cyprinid "omena" last year. I'm glad that now that the business is up and running, I can complete little tasks like purchasing food, clothing, and school supplies for my 4 children who attend Kabatheni primary school. I would love to grow this business this year by bringing in more clients and adding more stock. In addition, I want to use some of the transfer proceeds to build a large, respectable house by purchasing cement, sand, building poles, iron sheets, and other materials."