GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a second payment.
"My ambition is to invest more in farming because I believe that with proper management, it is more profitable than a retail shop with a small profit. As a result, I intend to save money from my business every month and to invest more in the got rearing where I will be able to exchange them for cows."
View Chepkwony's
2 years ago
received a $438 second payment.
"We knew from the start of the program that we were one of the lucky villages to receive assistance. This is because we were taken through the GiveDirectly program and allowed to express our thoughts and questions, which were handled well. The officers also carried themselves professionally. So far, I haven't come across anything that needs to be improved."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $423 second payment.
"I was eager to put my plans into action after receiving the first transfer and, later, the second transfer, which marked the climax of the support we were to receive. After completing all of my plans in the first patch, I needed another cow to increase milk production. I then spent $300 on a lactating dairy cow, which instantly increased the amount of milk we were receiving from the two cows by three liters. We have been selling milk to nearby restaurants as a source of income, which has covered the majority of the household bills. It was unfortunate that all of the cows I had on my farm died a month ago after eating a poisonous plant that killed them. It was a tragic experience that had never occurred in our village. I am grateful that the majority of the villagers grouped together and are planning a fund-raising event to assist me in paying the school fees for my two children. I used some of the remaining funds to pay for school fees for my two daughters and one son who recently graduated from college. In addition, I used the remaining funds to repair my motorcycle, which I had been using to provide transportation to the local community since then."
View Samwel's
2 years ago
received a $358 second payment.
"They offer a helping hand to those in need without favour in return. They are unbiased.The informetion was clear from the start to the end since we were given clear information about the program."
View Melvin's
2 years ago
received a second payment.
"My goals in life to have cows,so that I can get milk from it since I have young children.And it has been a hard to get milk so with that am able to provide to them and sell some of it to get a profit and our daily usage."
View Radi's
2 years ago
received a $423 second payment.
"GiveDirectly did well in coming to our village and enrol us and sending the cash as they had promised during the community sensitization meeting. In addition, they enrolled everyone in my community without discriminating against people based on clan or religious group. I just wish they could extend the assistance to other areas to assist households living in poverty."
View Tabu's
2 years ago
received a $423 second payment.
"First, Givedirectly did well in holding community meetings to train us about the program before they start the enrollment process. We were able to learn so much about the project which makes it easy to understand the entire enrollment process. In my opinion, I feel they should reconsider providing more assistance to poor people in our area."
View Mwenda's
2 years ago
received a $438 second payment.
"In their final year of secondary school, my two daughters owed the school $300 in unpaid tuition, which I was able to pay off with a portion of the second transfer. Three of my primary school-aged children were also sent home because we were unable to pay $15 on time. When I got the second payment, I also paid the arrears. We were grateful for the help and the money, which saved our lives. In addition, I invested $150 on a calf that I will raise in the future. My family was able to live comfortably for a while on the $80 that I had left, which was primarily spent on food items like rice, maize, sugar, and beans. I am a farmer with a focus on vegetables and maize, but there are times when it struggles, making it difficult for me to support my family. Sustaining them was made simple through the transfers, and we are grateful for that."
View Zeddy's
2 years ago
received a $438 second payment.
"The best choice GiveDirectly ever made was to donate money to those in need. As they have no connections to any governmental entities, the entire process was, to put it nicely, transparent and fair. They helped most people escape poverty, especially in our neighborhood, which previously had many grass-thatched homes and is now covered in iron sheets. Apart from that, the group is responsible for most parents being able to send their kids to school. Nothing they are doing is wrong, therefore we encourage them to keep up the good work."
View Saline's
2 years ago
received a $423 second payment.
"The reason I love the organization the most is because it provided us money with no strings attached and let us choose how to spend it. After all was said and done, we were free to choose what to do with the money, and I can confirm that my family's standard of living has increased. We no longer experience food shortages because to our farm's ample supply and the additional $7.5 each month we receive from milk sales we owe to GiveDirectly. There is nothing they are not doing correctly, and other villagers are pleased of their work as well."
View Joyce's