GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kabunda's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kabunda received a $422 second payment.
"I hope to raise sufficient cash that will facilitate my daughter's high school journey which kicked off recently. Being the only child who got the chance and privilege to go to school, I pray to God to help her finish her studies without any distractions. Also, I trust that once she graduates and grabs a good job, she will change the story of our household together with that of her generation."
Jumwa's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jumwa received a $436 second payment.
"I spent the recent transfers to complete the construction of my two-roomed house which I had started with the first transfer. I used most of the second transfer on paying the labour charges and purchasing additional iron sheets. Earlier, I was living in a small house which was leaking during the rainy season. I had spent sleepless nights moving my bedding from one corner of the house to another when it rains at night. Nowadays, I am glad that I reside in a nice house unlike before. In addition, I spent the remaining amount to construct a small, decent one-room house for my grandchild who was sleeping in a tiny house that was collapsing posing a danger to his life."
Julianah's family
access_time 2 years ago
Julianah received a $422 second payment.
"I wish to self reliant in terms of food productivity. Without enough food no one can do much of the development since one has to eat well first.I have prepared the land well and I intend to use fertilizer to boost on the productivity of food crops such as maize and beans. In the past I have not been using fertilizers but going forward I intend to use it to maximize on the productivity and be food secure."
Luthia's family
access_time 2 years ago
Luthia received a $436 second payment.
"I am so elated that the transfers assisted me a great deal to improve on my housing condition. I was able to change the condition of my house, I replaced the mud wall with sand and also cemented the floor. I used KES 50000 and it has given my house a facelift. I no longer have to worry about the difficult job of smearing with cow dung which is a lot of work that I am no longer able to do it well because of my old age. Iused the rest to buy food for household consumption."
Pascalia's family
access_time 2 years ago
Pascalia received a $422 second payment.
"They explained to us the advice that the people who received the transfers in the past gave out.The advice was so useful and it helped us to plan well for the money. GiveDirectly means well for us to better our lives and to come out of poverty. Our only wish is that we wish the transfer will come back to our village again in future to still help us more."
Mwenda's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mwenda received a $422 second payment.
"In a few months to come, I hope to buy more livestock more so goats. These are the domestic animals that one can rare and benefit from within a very short duration. This is because goats reproduce mostly twice a day and their offspring mature very fast. Therefore I believe that once I will succeed in keeping them, my living standard shall improve since I will be selling one or two in case of any financial constraints."
Selly's family
access_time 2 years ago
Selly received a $422 second payment.
"I never had a dairy cow and used to purchase a liter from the neighbor at KES 60 which was high and some days I could not afford it. I sold the only cow I had to sort out the school fees for my child who was in college. When I got the transfer I decided to purchase one at KES 40000. Life has changed from worse to better since I can now milk my cow and have enough for household consumption and sell the extra to get disposable income."
Lesebet's family
access_time 2 years ago
Lesebet received a $422 second payment.
"The Givedirectly staff were honest in dealing with us. They told us the truth and kept their promise and we were happy about the program. Indeed we have never experience such help before. I like the idea of follow-up to check on our progress since it keeps us on track and to do meaningful work with the money."
Lesebeth's family
access_time 2 years ago
Lesebeth received a $436 second payment.
"I hope to complete the remaining works on my house. It has been a journey, quite an expensive one but I have never given hope. I pray to God to open a way for me to get money to finish up on the remaining work. I anticipate that before the end of the year I will be done with everything and will have moved in to the new house."
Grace's family
access_time 2 years ago
Grace received a $422 second payment.
"The scarcity of drinking water had been a problem to me and even water for household use was da and could not easily be accessed. The situation was further worsened by my condition, I am aging and as a result, I am not able to carry water on my back for long distances. The transfers could not have come at a better time. When I received the money I never hesitated I went straight to purchase a water tank that cost KES 36000. I also used KES 20000 to dig a water dam that my cows are using. I am so elated since I longer have to travel long distances to look for water, it has saved me all the agony."