GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kadzo's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kadzo received a $489 initial payment.
"Since I have been relying on making and selling charcoals, I decided to invest more in the charcoal business. Instead of selling at most 3 sacks of charcoals as I used to sell, I made a store where I am selling several sacks of charcoals. I invested KES 25000.00 in this business. The ideal of opening this store was to have a good and a reliable source of income for my family. I also bought some clothes for my children and saved the remaining amount for my family upkeep."
Amos's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Amos enrolled.
"My major challenge is lack of money. I am blind and can not see. Things have become difficult for my two children and I.I can not go anywhere to get money and provide for my children. School has opened but because of lack of money, they are sitting home and not going to school."
Leah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Leah received a $489 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I now have a good house that I am currently sheltering in. Previously, I used to sleep under a very small house that could barely accommodate all my four children. I have been married for over five years and the situation of the house has been bad day by day. My children used to sleep at my neighbors' houses which at times they were like a burden to them. They could at times start calling them names and mocking them which has been hurting me for a long. On the other hand, whenever it could rain, I use to squeeze all my properties in one corner of the house to protect them from getting damaged. There was a time I even lost hope in life because I have been jobless and only depend on my spouse who also relies on the odd jobs with meager incomes. I never saw any light ahead which made me believe we would never acquire a better house anytime soon. Therefore the coming of GiveDirectly into my village means a lot to me because they have completely changed my life. I now sleep under a good house that is spacious enough and my children no longer seek shooters like they used to do. Also, all my properties are well secured."
Janet's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Janet enrolled.
"Those challenges I'm currently facing are, "One", making farm is highly challenging, most times after making the farm we experienced our crops being spoiled due to animals, which can cause us not to realize anything. "Two", the issue of my wellbeing, no cash now to start up my building project, my son, Collins, who normally supports us has his family to attend to, so raising finance to start up something is of serious challenge; our age had been one of the contributing factors that's leading to us not achieving these demands."
Patience's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Patience enrolled.
"My plan for the cash transfer is to pay some of my debt that I owe in the club, start a new business and build my house. The house I am living in is getting old,I want to build my house and build a shop for my business."
Theresa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Theresa enrolled.
"Our challenges have been how to build our modern house to rescue us from placing dishes under the leakages within our house . The process of keeping leakages of your house from distroying your properties in your house during rainy season is tedious because you will find it difficult to sleep well . Finding school fees for our children without a permanent work or means of accumulating funds is a real problem we faced with as a family. Children need to eat every day and the process of gathering them food has to do with cash which we don't even know how to get it . These are just few of our challenges we faced in a yearly time ."
Kache's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kache received a $489 initial payment.
"I spent part of my first transfer on buying some building materials such as iron sheets at KES 14000, building poles, timber, nails, and the threads at KES 5000, and the labor cost of KES 4000. I bought all these to renovate my house by adding rooms which for now they are three. I also boosted my hotel business which had collapsed for lack of funds. and I am happy it is now running so well with good returns. I also bought new clothes for my two children because their previous ones were old and torn which could always lower their self-esteem. With the remaining amount of money, I bought enough foodstuffs for the family that would at least sustain us for a couple of weeks."
Mather's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mather received a $283 initial payment.
"I never knew i had money in my phone,until a friend of mine came came and informed me about the money. I hurriedly walked to a nearby town which is 45 mins walk to get lonestar network. When i read the massage, it was a massage from Givedirectly.At that very moment i was happy! until i ran into tears. Indeed has God answered my prayer."
Peter's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Peter enrolled.
"The hard time i'm facing is money business. I have to dig people cassava and do small small contracts before I can get money to buy food and do other things for my family. So by GiveDirectly giving me this money, it will really help me; because I will build my house and buy market for my woman to be selling so that we can get more money to sustain ourselves."
Larmatu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Larmatu received a $283 initial payment.
"When GIVE DIRECTLY came here and told us that they were going to give us money, it was like a dream come true. One day, I heard shouting from my neighbors and so I too ran outside to see what was going on only to hear my neighbors saying "my money has come, Give Direct has sent our money". Since I couldn't read, I hurriedly told my daughter who knows how to read to carry my phone at the network coverage site and truly she came back running to tell me that I too had received money from GIVE DIRECTLY on my phone. I was so excited that I didn't even want to eat that day. I was excited because my husband has been sick for three years now and I am the only one struggling to take care of the family doing hard labor jobs. Indeed I was overwhelmed with joy."