GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Susan's family
access_time 4 days ago
Susan enrolled.
"Our family income is unstable. I am running a small crockery business that brings in only $2 a day, and my spouse earns $115 a month from casual work. With the high cost of living, our combined earnings fall short of meeting our family's needs. This situation makes it challenging for me to provide a better life for my three children. It is disheartening that we often have to borrow or depend on getting food on credit from the nearby kiosk. There are times when we skip lunch altogether or only have tea."
Kazungu's family
access_time 5 days ago
Kazungu received a $27 thirty-third payment.
"I am currently living in a small one-room house with a severely leaking roof due to termite damage to the *makuti* roofing, which has created gaps. The space is also too small for my needs, so I am planning to build a more spacious house with a verandah, even if it’s just a single room since I live alone. To achieve this, I intend to save part of my transfer to fund the construction. Having this new house will provide me with a comfortable living space, free from the constant worry of leaks during rain, and allow me to work towards a better future. For now, there is no food, so I am using part of my transfer to buy food while hoping God will bless us with rains this season. Once I have enough food, I will redirect the funds toward building my house. My current roof leaks badly, and when it rains, I get soaked. I also plan to support my building project with the income I earn daily."
Franckline's family
access_time 5 days ago
Franckline received a $350 second payment.
"When the money came, my house was in poor condition, and I felt like we were living below the standards of others around us. Our home was made of grass for the roof and mud for the walls, which wasn’t safe or comfortable, especially during the rainy season. With the unconditional cash I received, I decided to spend $300 on building materials to start constructing a one-room house with iron sheets. My hope is to complete the construction once I receive the final transfer, and finally have a safer, more durable home for my family. Furthermore, with the remaining $150, I bought food to sustain us because life had become extremely difficult. My wife and I rely on casual jobs that pay us about $3 a day, which is barely enough to buy food for our household. We have two children to take care of, and the struggle to provide even basic necessities has been overwhelming. The cash transfer helped ease that burden, allowing us to stock up on food and worry less about what we’ll eat. Now, I feel a great sense of relief and hope for the future. The thought of living in a decent house like other people in my community gives me peace, and the food I purchased has brought some stability to my family’s daily life. The support from GiveDirectly has made a huge difference, and I look forward to completing the house and improving our living conditions even more."
Gilbert's family
access_time 5 days ago
Gilbert received a $350 second payment.
"I was severely affected by floods that swept away my house, leaving my family to live in a makeshift temporary shelter. When I received $450 from GiveDirectly, I used $400 to buy building materials. With this and my savings, I was able to build a new house, allowing my family to recover and return to the life we had before the flood. I am truly thankful to GiveDirectly because the floods left me homeless, but now I have a proper home again. I used the remaining $50 to buy food since the floods destroyed my farm, and I had no harvest. Thanks to this support, I am now able to provide food for my family, even without a successful harvest."
Selly's family
access_time 5 days ago
Selly received a $350 second payment.
"What stood out to me the most about GiveDirectly was their quick and effective emergency response when the floods devastated our community. Through their unconditional cash transfers, I was able to recover from the flood’s harsh impact and get back on my feet. The support I received helped me rebuild my business, restore my home, and even invest in livestock for long-term sustainability. Now, I am on the path to completely overcoming the effects of the floods, as I plan to buy a plot in a safer area to relocate my family. I truly appreciate how GiveDirectly stepped in during a time of crisis, providing immediate and meaningful assistance. With that in mind, I would like to recommend that GiveDirectly consider building houses for flood victims in the future. This would offer even greater security and help many families, like mine, recover faster and protect themselves from future disasters."
Pamela's family
access_time 5 days ago
Pamela received a $350 second payment.
"I am hoping to finally complete building my house. It has been a long journey, and while I have made significant progress, there is still quite a bit left to do. The main thing I need to focus on now is buying more bricks. Without them, I will not be able to finish the walls, and that’s the next big step. To make this happen, I am planning to take out a loan. I am a businesswoman, where I sell cabbages and potatoes, which has been going well, but it’s just not enough to cover the cost of all the materials I need right now. I need a bit of a financial boost to get things moving faster. Luckily, I have a good relationship with my SACCO, where I’ve been saving for a long time. They’ve really come through for me in the past. I remember when my children were still in school, and I needed help paying for their fees—SACCO was there. So, I trust them, and I know they’ll help me again this time. Once I get the loan, I’ll be able to buy the bricks and finally see the house take shape. It’s been a dream of mine for a long time, and I feel like this is the year it’s all going to come together."
Josephine's family
access_time 5 days ago
Josephine received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"My future goal is to continue investing in livestock, particularly goats. I have already joined a saving group, where I regularly contribute. Once it's my turn to receive the funds, I plan to use the money to purchase more goats. I currently have five goats, which I bought with money from the transfers, and as the herd grows, I will have the opportunity to sell some to meet my family's needs. I am grateful for the financial assistance, which has helped me improve my life and the well-being of my family."
Kahaso's family
access_time 5 days ago
Kahaso received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"Looking forward, my main objective in the coming year is to purchase these two bulls to help with plowing my farm. I also plan to generate additional income by offering plowing services to other people in the community. By continuing to save through the group, I am confident that when it is my turn to receive the lump sum, I will be able to make the purchase. The financial support has been instrumental in helping me pursue this goal and move toward financial stability. I am truly grateful for it."
Janet's family
access_time 5 days ago
Janet received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"Previously, I saved a portion of my transfers each month and was able to purchase a goat for $50. That goat has since multiplied, and I now have two goats. My goal in the coming months is to buy another goat to add to the ones I already have. These goats serve as a future investment, as I can sell them in case of an emergency and raise the money I need. To achieve this goal, I plan to save a small amount from my subsequent transfers, just as I did before. I am very thankful for the financial support, which has helped us get through these difficult financial times and continues to offer hope for a better future."
Changawa's family
access_time 5 days ago
Changawa received a $27 twenty-ninth payment.
"My goal in the coming months is to use the transfers to buy food and more livestock. The weather has been extremely harsh, with hot and dry conditions making farming nearly impossible. Our farms are no longer productive, so we are forced to buy food from shops, which is quite expensive. To ensure I don’t starve, I plan to use my transfers to purchase food and ensure I have enough to sustain me. Additionally, I will use a small portion to buy hens, as they can provide a good source of income in the future. I am very grateful for the financial support from the transfers, which continue to improve my quality of life."