GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Bibi's family
access_time 3 years ago
Bibi received a $383 initial payment.
"She spent the cash on purchasing 27 iron sheets which she will use to improve her roof...She then bought kitchen utensils such pots and plates.. Some of the money was used to purchase clothes,matress and blankets for her household and 6 bags of maize."
Decla's family
access_time 3 years ago
Decla enrolled.
"My greatest desire for the last two years has been to build a two-roomed iron-roofed house since I currently live in a small one-roomed hut with my 3 children. My firstborn son is a teenager and culture has it that a teenage boy has to sleep in a separate house from his parents for privacy reasons, but lack of resources has forced us to share one room with him. I will therefore spend $300 of my transfer to erect another house where one of the rooms will be his. I will then use $300 to buy a milk producing cow who's earnings from selling milk will supplement my daily earnings from my casual jobs."
Saina's family
access_time 3 years ago
Saina enrolled.
"This money is a blessing to my family because it means we will be able to buy a mattress and no longer sleep on the floor and buy blankets and fix our roof so our house doesn't experience leakages during the rainy season. I also want to start a small business selling food"
Dija's family
access_time 3 years ago
Dija enrolled.
"I am happy to be part of this program because my husband left me and went to South Africa. I am now alone with five children and alot of responsibility to bear because of this money I will be able to ease my problems and I will be able to take care of my children and buy them food and fix the roof of my home. The thatched straws on my roof are getting damaged and I experience leakages during the rainy season because of this money I will be able to buy iron sheets and fix my home"
Magret's family
access_time 3 years ago
Magret enrolled.
"I want to be able to provide for my family and live a comfortable life and receiving this money gives me that opportunity because I will be able to purchase a mattress so we no longer sleep on the floor every night and build a new home. I want to build a better home with a roof with iron sheets so we do not suffer during the rainy season and get sick because we are sleeping in a damp house. This money means having a better life"
Mina's family
access_time 3 years ago
Mina enrolled.
"I'm so thankful to be receiving this money and to be part of this program because it means I'll be able to repair my home. My roof is made of plastic and thatched roof and during the rainy season I experience leakages that ruin my property and this money can help me deal with alot of my problems and I'm so happy and excited"
Amini's family
access_time 3 years ago
Amini enrolled.
"I have always wanted to build an iron sheet roofed house but it has not been possible due to lack of money for such a project"
Samusoni's family
access_time 3 years ago
Samusoni received a $386 initial payment.
"He used the cash to purchase iron sheets which he will use to improve the roof of his kitchen..He also purchased a mattress and bed...He is now sewing some school uniforms which he will share to the needy students.."
Fikirini's family
access_time 3 years ago
Fikirini enrolled.
"Receiving this money means giving my family a decent shelter. This is because our house of 21 years collapsed due to heavy rains over 5 years ago. I went ahead to construct a small temporary structure but it could sustain the strong winds and it followed suit of the former house. Last year we tried to build another one but we stopped midway due to insufficient finances. Currently we live in a structure that is open at the roof making it unbearable at night as it gets colder. This makes me pity my small children because common colds are the order of the day. I will therefore use part of the transfer to complete my house. This will cost approximately 25000 shillings."
Nicholas's family
access_time 3 years ago
Nicholas enrolled.
"My ambition is to have a stable job and take care of my family. Growing up in a village where the road is very bad, ai would hardly see vehicles, I wanted to be a driver and make money out of it because it looks like a very important skill for any human being. Even though I want to be a driver and make a livelihood from it, my family has other needs that will have to come first, so for my first transfer I will use $30 to build a house, this is because the house is grass roofed and during the rainy seasons it rains inside, we have to always dry our beddings outside. The remaining $25 dollars will be used to purchase a cow. My second transfer will then be used for a course in driving and getting a driving licence."