GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on school fees for my children and bought food for my family.I also bought 2 goats and building material which I will use to build a new house."
View Cynthia's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I spent my third on starting a business of mobile money transfer ''Mpesa''. I am glad some GiveDirectly beneficiaries managed to transact in my agent shop. The little remaining, I spent on buying food stuffs for my household. I am grateful as I am able to pay my son's school fees in college from the profits I make."
View Nora's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I have been taking a course in early childhood development, but I dropped out due to lack of school fees until I started receiving these transfers when I resumed the classes. When I received the third transfer I cleared the arrears, and I am yet to complete the course. The remaining I spent on paying school fees for my son in kindergarten and food for my household consumes."
View Vivian's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on buying a new fishing boat for my business since the amount to hire a boat was very expensive and my business was making losses, hence I could not recover the money I used to hire a boat."
View Nancy's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I have children in higher learning institutions so most of my transfers went to paying school fees for them. This too applied to my third transfer. I also poughed a small piece of land using some of the money that I grew corn that I have since harvested for my family consumes."
View Patroba's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I used my third transfer to start a fish business for my daily income and bought building materials which I will use to build my new house, I also paid school fees for my children with the remaining amount.I am happy because we no longer go without food as we used to, thank you GiveDirectly."
View Gorety's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I have never owned any cattle before so when I received my third transfer, I bought two cattle and now I have my own. The remaining I spent on paying school fees for my orphaned nephew who,is in secondary school. We used to rely on government bursaries which was so unreliable and some on corn for my family consumes. How I wish GiveDirectly could come back."
View Seth's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I used my last transfer to buy iron sheets, bought timber, special soil and paid the builders,so most if not all of the transfer was used to build we saw it fit to build and have our own homestead because we had stayed outside living in rental housed for long and we wished to have a place of our own this is the main reason we built."
View Michael's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on buying livestock that I am rearing. Some money I spent on buying household items I lacked like bedding and kitchen stuff. The remaining I spent on sinking a pit latrine to accommodate more visitors in case I will have any."
View Thomson's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on paying school for my child who is in high school .I plastered my house from a mud one and now I am lighten from frequently smearing of my previous house and the time I have saved from not smearing ,I now used it on carrying out other developmental works .I also bought a solar lamp hence my children have ample to study as opposed to before the transfer when they used to have traditional lantern for lighting and if paraffin got exhausted they were forced to sleep without completing their school homework."
View Pamela's