GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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7 years ago
received a $460 third payment.
"living in a co-habiting relationship at an old age like this has always been shameful most so in front of my married women in my community hence I spent third transfer on paying of my dowry and now I am happy since my long time goal has come to pass as the customary laws states . I also bought ten goats and four bags of maize for my family's consumption."
View Rose's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I spent 47,000 KES of my third transfer on plastering my 3 room house that I had enlarged using my second transfer since our house used to be bad and produced a lot of dust, but now it looks very presentable."
View Benter's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on buying building materials that I used to build a new house after my roof was blown away by the winds. I have a built a more spacious,I now have a very nice strong house."
View Maureen's
7 years ago
received a $483 third payment.
"I have a sister who is in secondary school so most part of my third transfer to pay her school fees. I also cemented my house that was initially made of mud. The remaining I spent on buying household goods I lacked in the house and other daily expenses. I am grateful for the money I received."
View Meshack's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on a heifer for 20,000 KES very specifically so that my children’s Nutritional status would improve as a result of the milk that we expect to be having in the near future. My children used to starve and had one meal per day some of the time, and some other times we survived on fluid for consecutive days. They became unhealthy, which started showing and I used to feel so bad about things since they are very young. In addition I invested in some clothing materials with which I stitch children’s clothes and sell and in the meantime, I manage to feed my family. I spent the balance on materials in preparation or building a kitchen."
View Irene's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I used my last transfer to build a kitchen which we partitioned one side as the bedroom for the children, the children so sleeping with them in one room was uncomfortable, then I finished building my house by fixing the doors, windows and plastering the floor, lastly I paid fees for two of my girls who joined high school I did this as a form of making better their future."
View Richard's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on a motor cycle for 94,000 KES, having saved the 50,000 KES from my second transfer. I was a Watchman before and life was difficult for us as a family due to low pay. Consequently, I hired a motor cycle from a man in the vicinity that I used for transportation business, for which I would pay him 300 KES shillings daily, after which I had to fuel and feed my family. I remember many a times on bad days when business was poor yet I paid him his 300 KES anyway and went home empty handed, just so that I could use the motor cycle again the following day to earn a living. I always prayed to one day own my motor cycle to improve my earnings, and for this reason I thank you GD very much for the grants and for helping me realize my dream. This is making a big difference in my life already, and for the 3 months I have been in business using my own motor cycle, I have already bought housing materials valued 7,000 KES, and saved 9,000 KES . My goal is to build a three-roomed house from the business proceeds, and move my family from the leaking grass-thatched 10 by 10 room that we currently live in by January 2018. My family has needed a better house for long but due to low earnings, high cost of living and inevitable nil savings, I could never dare plan for decent shelter before GD came along."
View Samson's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on clearing school fees arrears for my daughter who, is heading for the second year in secondary school. I also repaired my kitchen I had constructed earlier. The remaining I spent on food for my family consumes."
View Mildred's
7 years ago
received a $453 third payment.
"I spent the larger part of my third transfer on cementing my house into a semi-permanent house from mud one hence my family and I no longer get frequent respiratory attack and insect infestation due exposure to dust.I bought a she -cow and ox as a my assets .I also bought a bag of maize and three full school uniform for my children."
View Peres's
7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"I spent my the larger of my third transfer on the management of my commercial tomatoes rearing scheme and out of the double profits I made from the spending yield I came out with it has enabled me have continuity of money flow to an extend of starting a commercial chicken rearing business doubling my household's source of income. I also bought two oxen too."
View Jason's