GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 6 years ago
received a $23 seventh payment.
"I expect my life to change in that I will have bought a cow."
View Joseph's
over 6 years ago
received a $45 third payment.
"The new goals I now have is to buy a cow so that I will stop buying milk daily and lease a farm so that I can inrease the size of my farm under farming."
View Dorothy's
over 6 years ago
received a $475 third payment.
"I spent most of the third transfer to start cattle farming as my future investment so l bought twelve heards of sheep as a start. I also spent the transfer to add more building materials to the l bought with the second transfer and build a spacious comfortable house since l was staying in a very small uncomfortable house."
View Belinder's
over 6 years ago
received a $475 third payment.
"I spent most of the third transfer to build a spacious comfortable house since l was staying in a very small house where l would squeeze myself with the family being that l have a bigger family. The remaining balance l spent to cattle to start cattle keeping."
View Lilian's
over 6 years ago
received a $475 third payment.
"I spent most of the third transfer to plaster my house since this is the best way to maintain it and to keep it clean, l have also been longing to stay in a plaster house like other people, l also spent the transfer to pay school fee arrears for my children who were sent home for school fee arrears. The remaining balance l spent to buy food stuffs."
View Caroline's
over 6 years ago
received a $496 third payment.
"I spent most of the third transfer to build for my son a house since he is mentally unstable and did he did not have any where to spend his night. I also spent the transfer to buy dairy cow this will save me in future from buying milk from my neighbors. The remaining balance l spent to buy food and clothes for my children."
View Millicent's
over 6 years ago
received a $475 third payment.
"I added my third transfer onto part of my savings and bought a piece of land where I am planning to build my homestead in it . For sure I will forever be greatful to GiveDirectly for transforming my life in away that I couldn't ever imagine ."
View Everline's
over 6 years ago
received a $475 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on buying 30 pieces of iron sheets which I am planning to use them to build a decent three roomed house what is still delaying us is the customs that requires that my elder brother -in -law to build his first . I also paid school fees for my three children who are in nursery school and primary school respectively ."
View Irene's
over 6 years ago
received a $496 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on building a kitchen which assists me on cooking .I also completed constructing a toilet that I had started to build earlier."
View Rukia's
over 6 years ago
received a $475 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on cementing my house into a semi - permanent one and now I am staying in a clean environment free from dust . Thanks to GiveDirectly for changing my living standard ."
View Christine's