GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Rispa's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Rispa received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"Since my second invetsment goes to cattle rearing, I believe after a few months, I will be milking my two cows, thus I will sell some and use the remaining for domestic use. I will use the money to pay fees for my children."
Betty's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Betty enrolled.
"Receiving this money means I will be able to retrive the piece of land that was leased out so that I can have enough land to cultivate and get food to feed my family. I also hope to buy a motorcycle with which I can offer boda-boda services so as to raise money that can support my family. "
Robert's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Robert enrolled.
"Receiving this money means that I will invest in educating my children and plastering the house. The bricks of my house are being washed off by rains and this may easily make the wall collapse. I will paster it to make the wall strong and durable. When my children are educated , they will easily manage to take care off them selves in future."
Julius's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Julius enrolled.
"Receiving tho money means I will be able to complete the construction process in my house. When it is complete, it become a very conducive place to stay in. Currently, I am staying in a house that I not plastered and this makes it very cold and children often fall sick due to the cold. I will then be able to complete marrying my spouse. In our culture, a man is expected to give an agreed number of cows and goats to the girls family as an appreciation. I had earlier on given part of it and that is not earning me enough respect from my in laws."
Siria's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Siria enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face is lack of enough food to feed the family members. Iam forced to survive on a single meal and unbalanced diet hence my children are having unhealthy growth."
Dan's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Dan enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I am faced with is inadequacy of land for cultivation. I leased out a bigger portion of my land because I wanted to raise some money that would enable me to enrole for a course. To this end, I have not been able to retrive it because I don't have money. What is left for me to cultivate is too small to support my household needs. I can not farm as I would wish to because of limitations of space. "
Saumu's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Saumu enrolled.
"Financial constraint is the biggest hardship that we face as a family. I have no job and even the little that we get from my husband's job as a mason, is never enough because it is a job that is not consistent. During a time like now when there is scarcity of water and people are hardly building, I can say that both of us have no source of income. It is increasingly becoming difficult to sustain our children's education and I am already fearing that they will be forced to drop out. Providing meals for all ten of my children is another challenge. I can not remember the last time when we took three meals in one day. We are normally forced to sacrifice between one or two of the three meals in order to save for supper. It really pains me as a mother to see my children hungry yet I have no means of buying for them food."
Pius's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Pius received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"I expect to have bought the building materials like iron sheets, poles, timber and nails that I shall have used to build the new house. I expect my new wife and children to be living in a secure and beautiful house that can easily and comfortably accommodate them."
Betty's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Betty enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I am faced with is lack of money. I don't have any income generating activities from which to raise money and yet there is need. I would have loved to do business but I don't have capital to begin with. The piece of land that is available for me to cultivate is also not enough to take care of my cultivation needs but I have no option. I can not buy more because I don't have money to do so."
Pulista's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Pulista enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I am faced with is working alone as an individual. Being polygamous, my husband has to attend to the different needs of the different wives and in so doing, time allocated to each is minimal. I struggle to work even when I am not feeling okay because my family has to feed."