GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 5 years ago
received a $472 initial payment.
"This financial support has made it possible for me to construct an iron roofed house. My house is currently at the roofing level and I hope to complete it with the second transfer. Once the new house is complete, I will relieved from the burden of renovating my hut. I am currently sleeping in a grass thatched hut that requires renovation twice annually."
View Stephen's
almost 5 years ago
received a $253 second payment.
"My biggest expectation is for my life to improve because I will be able to feed my family better and without having to do menial work. I have crops on my farm because I used the transfer to invest in maize and beans. Harvesting these crops will secure my family's food supplies as they are currently doing quite well on my farm."
View Daizy's
almost 5 years ago
"Buying one dairy cow that produces milk for sale at a cost of $350, buying two goats at a cost of $90, buying household furniture as well as a solar panel for lighting that will cost me around $50, and initiating a poultry keeping project that will supplement my earnings from selling milk is what receiving this money means to me."
View Joan's
almost 5 years ago
"Buying one heifer @$200 that will multiply in future and produce milk for sale as well as for family consumption, spending $150 to clear school fees arrears for my son in high school, improving my family sanitation by building a pit latrine that will cost around $ 90 as well as cementing the floor of my house and buying household furniture is what receiving this money means to me."
View Elijah's
almost 5 years ago
received a $528 second payment.
"I have been having to pay dowry for my daughter which I am proud of . This means she is officially my daughter- in- law, therefore, I am no longer worried that she might leave to her biological home with my grandchildren due to unsettled dowry payments. The best part of it my son now has earned the respect of his in laws. Thanks to GiveDirectly"
View Kadzo's
almost 5 years ago
received a $528 second payment.
"Before I received the transfers from Givedirectly, I used to tether my cows using rope to prevent them from destroying the crops. Apart from the fact that doing this is quite labor intensive, the cows would not graze well because they were confined to a small spot hence leading to low production of milk. I am glad now that through the transfers, I was able to fence well and paddock the grazing field and I do not need to tether them to particular spot. I'm also less worried that they might break in and destroy the crops. The money also helped me seek medical attention and I feel much better now. I did not have any money before to to the hospital for a checkup."
View Raeli's
almost 5 years ago
received a $472 initial payment.
"I have deposited for an acre of land which makes me feel happy. Most of my children are boys (7 out of 10 children) and in my culture parents have a duty to secure for them land. This I was not in position to do because of lack of money. I am very grateful to GiveDirectly for helping me sort part of this problem."
View Hadijah's
almost 5 years ago
received a $472 initial payment.
"The moment I received the mobile money message, first thing in my mind was that it could be true or false message from fraudsters. This promted me to check my account balance and when I confirmed that it was real, I felt so happy."
View Janet's
almost 5 years ago
received a $472 initial payment.
"I am in the process of constructing an iron roofed house, I have already raised the wall with the first money with hope of completing it with the second transfer. To me this is a big difference because I currently sleep in the leaky grass thatched house. I have challenges when it comes to renovating this house , It is very expensive to buy poles and thatch."
View Mastula's
almost 5 years ago
received a $472 initial payment.
"This transfer is going to enable me construct a decent kitchen for my family since I have already purchased construction materials. I am currently cooking in a grass thatched kitchen that I renovate yearly yet thatch is scare. The grass thatched roof is a home for rats, termites and lizards which are not healthy to have in a kitchen."
View Kanifa's