GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
James's family
access_time over 3 years ago
James received a $365 second payment.
"I spent the second transfer buying housing materials such as nails, iron sheets and saved some to pay builders. I want to extend my house from four metres to five so that we can live in comfortably. I also bought ten 50kg bags of maize for household consumption."
Agness's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Agness received a $378 initial payment.
"The moment i received my transfer i was filled with joy because that marked end of poverty and start of new life"
Magret's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Magret received a $365 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I never received the transfer from GD because I am now living happily. I am building a new home which I would have never managed to do without the help I have received from GD because my only source of income was in farming which only helped my family in finding food and not money. Now I will live in a house that has iron sheets for the roof , this way the house wont lick in the raining season."
Gilbert's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Gilbert received a $507 initial payment.
"The moment I saw the Mpesa alert, I told myself this is the time I have been waiting for to improve my living standards, I was at how relaxing, I could not hide my joy because it was written all over my face, I did not even explain to my wife, the smile and happiness made her guess that the money was here already. Indeed it was a memorable moment for us."
Hillary's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Hillary received a $507 initial payment.
"I am a motorbike rider who depends on a rented bike to earn a living, am supposed to pay $3 for the bike daily but with the harsh economical state that is not possible, a time left with little or nothing, I have a young child you depend on milk daily which is very expensive to afford due to my little income, When I received my transfer, my plans were already in place, therefore I purchased a bag of maize worth $35 to ensure that my family will have enough food supply, In addition to that, I bought two daily cows worth $30, and finally, I purchased two goats worth $54.this is indeed a dream come true."
Dorias's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Dorias received a $507 initial payment.
"On receiving the first transfer, I decided to transfer it all to the Mshwari savings account. I had been hoping to enroll in a course in Library Science but the struggle to save towards it has always failed since I have never had a reliable source of income. The transfer I received came just at the right time when I had received the admission letter due in September. This being the only money I had put all my hope in, I saw it best to save it all as I await the second transfer that will cover all the school's entry requirements as well as tuition fees. I am grateful that the hope to finally be back to school is here with me."
Joan's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Joan received a $507 initial payment.
"As a single mother of one, the outbreak of the pandemic destabilized not only the sources of income I depended on but also forced me to halt my Certified Public Accounting course I was taking with no hope of resuming later. At first, it was because of the school's closure to combat the pandemic but on reopening, I was not able to raise the required school fees. This has kept me home for more than a year now. With my first transfer at hand, I have decided to simultaneously take two sections for a total cost of $400. Over the period I had been home I had also accumulated a debt of $50 in the nearby shop that I managed to clear. With the remaining $90, I obtained construction materials which included iron sheets, nails, and also chain-link with the plan to construct a chicken coop and venture into poultry farming as an extra source of income."
Kadzo's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Kadzo received a $507 initial payment.
"It was around 9:15 in the morning when I was from taking shower when my phone started ringing continuously. That was an indication that there was a new message. Without wasting time I decided to check its content. Only to realize that it was the long-awaited message from GiveDirectly. I felt happy because I definitely knew that my children would finally go back to school."
Kabibi's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Kabibi received a $507 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that through the cash transfers I managed to renovate my house. Previously, I stayed in a very small house with a single room and in very poor condition. Being old and jobless and my spouse depended only on our children who also rely on odd jobs. Sometimes, providing for our daily meals was not achievable. This means, renovating our house would probably take ages. During the rainy season, it was so stressful and we have been seeking shelter from neighbors. However, after receiving the financial help I had to prioritize it. I am now glad and even proud because we longer seek shelter like before ad I am also in a position to host visitors courtesy of GiveDirectly."
James's family
access_time over 3 years ago
James received a $378 initial payment.
"When irecieved the money, i went to the boma and bought 20 iron sheets and timber to replace my roof. My house had a roof made from grass that required yearly maintenance. Replacing the roof means that now i will nolonger have to worry about chaning the roof. The change that i had i bought a mattress for my family to sleep on as we sleep on sacks amd this is something that we lacked in our home."