GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
"Tbe main challenge here for me is money. Because since my spouse died, only my brother and myself taking care of them. And here the cassava I can sell to earn money and provide food and other thing price has dropped so badly.
Like the way dry season coming it is the time to make garden. But no money to buy chemicals and fertiliser for that activities. So I am even worrying about how to get money for those thongs."
View Sando's
over 3 years ago
"Some of the challenges we are face with now is my children tuition fees payment, the renovation of our house and inadequacy of food for our household. The children are many and that providing education for them has now become unbearable. More so, portion of our house has fallen and we have no money to rebuild it. Not to mention, providing daily sustenance is highly unlikely for us these days as the little cassava farm we were depended on didn't yield enough this year."
View Isaac's
over 3 years ago
"If I am successful to receive the money, I will pay my children school fees because I don't have any reliable sources of earning money to pay their school fees.
In addition to that I will buy land around VOA to build my house depending on the amount."
View Folley's
over 3 years ago
"If I am successful to receive this money from GD, I will build my own house because the house I am in now is my farther house. And if some stay with me after building my house, I will support my children in school with the balance left. More to that, I will put it into business."
View Momoh's
over 3 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my life that I will forever mention is the fact that I own goats that I am currently keeping in my compound. I had been yearning to at least have one in my homestead but because of the financial constraints, I could not manage to own it. This is becasue I am jobless and my spouse is the family breadwinner who majorly depend on casual jobs( extracting bricks from quarries) to earn a living. In a day he could sometimes earn KES 200. Which was relatively very little to sustain the family's needs and buying livestock. Therefore I opted to purchase the oats because they reproduce faster and the offspring take the shortest time to mature. In the few months to come, I am certain that they will multiply which will enable me to sell some and cater to my household needs like paying fees for my kids and providing for their daily meals."
View Kadzo's
over 3 years ago
"" I am a widow with seven living children, I depend on the small small things I am sell for survival, my main challenge is no buyers for the things I am selling because the town is small and we are many selling the same things here. Because of this, people come and credit from us and is hard to collect the money from them. The only way you can be able to sell is to agree on credit.""
View Zinnah's
over 3 years ago
"" We don't have place to stay so when we get the money, we will build our house, I will take the balance to start my business. We will also sent the children to school and buy some food because rice can't grow here.""
View Hawa's
over 3 years ago
"" When God agree I get my money, the first thing I will build my own house, secondly, I will open my little business, through the market I will be sustaining my family at the same time supporting my garden work.""
View Varney's
over 3 years ago
"" This money, you see this house is my mother who built it, I don't have my own house. Even the zinc over the house is very old. If GiveDirectly give my husband and I this money, we will start business so we can build our own house. Secondly, I have children going to school, but last year some of them didn't do to school because the hand is not there, so when the money comes, I will register them to continue their schooling.""
View Bendu's
over 3 years ago
"I am a 44 years old woman with 8 children, I have been live in my aunt house for years with my children, because of the less room I had to send some of my children in Monrovia to live with family member. It has been my dream to build a house for myself but due to financial constrain I have not been able to do so. I plan to build a house when I get the transfer."
View Maima's