GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Emaculate's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Emaculate enrolled.
"On October 6, 2022, my husband was in a motorcycle accident, and he hasn't been able to work since. I was also fortunate to give birth to a three-month-old child. Since my spouse is unable to work and the informal work I perform does not provide enough income for us and the kids, my current concern is a shortage of funds. We occasionally go without eating. I also have a daughter and son who are in test season, and I have no idea how I'll pay for their tuition."
Makulata's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Makulata received a $345 initial payment.
"I have managed to spend my cash transfer on procuring agricultural materials such as fertiliser and seeds..I bought 4 bags of maize which I intend to apply in my maize field in the next farming season. Also bought livestock such as goats which I will be raising outside my house..I will be selling some of the goats in the future inorder to find money for food and other basic needs. Lastly, I bought 4 bags of maize inorder to top up on the few bags that I had and to make sure that my family is secured in terms of food..I saved the other part of the money."
Lufeyo's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Lufeyo received a $345 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving these payments is that in the last years, I could not afford to buy bags of fertilizer and whenever rainy season is approaching I would worry and be stressed a lot..But with the cash transfer, I have been able to procure 3 bags at once and I am so happy that I will be going to my maize field with hope."
Florence's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Florence received a second payment.
"Originally, our objective was to renovate our home, but later, after consulting with my spouse, we decided to buy some land so that we could expand. We had little room for farming as a result of the compression. I am happy that we were able to buy an acre of land for $400 to use for farming. Hopefully, we shall have a better harvest to feed our family and even extra to sellWe invested $70 in two goats to be raised with the intention of selling some of them later if we needed money instantly, especially because we have a child who will soon join secondary school. I used $40 to make it easier for me to get to my sister's funeral and to pay for additional expenditures when she passed away. I spent $8 on my son's school fees and the remaining money on groceries for my family."
Dama's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Dama received a $452 second payment.
"The organization's ability to give us unrestricted cash without a refund is its best quality. It restored hope to individuals who had lost it, and since then, I have seen a significant improvement in our area. The impoverished community with its poor housing constructions and reputation for charcoal burning is now vibrant. People have made business investments, built some excellent homes, and most have enrolled their children in school as well as purchased various household items that they were lacking. The organization is great in every way, and I urge them to continue their outstanding job."
Enipha's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Enipha received a $345 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving these payments is is that currently, I have been able to purchase enough fertilizer and I have hope that I will have higher yields as compared to the past where I could not afford to purchase even 1 bag of fertilizer."
Doreen's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Doreen received a $345 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving these payments is that I have managed to purchase enough agricultural materials such as fertiliser and seeds and I have hope that I will harvest higher yields..Also with the amount of fertilizer that I bought, I can grow crops on a very large scale with an aim of selling some in the future."
Annah's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Annah received a $437 second payment.
"I lived in a small house that could not host all my family members comfortably. I had always wished to build a better house but I did not have the money. I rely on small-scale farming, I plant maize and beans but this is the majority for consumption. I would sell the surplus produce to pay school fees for my children in various schools. I have two children in the university, two in secondary school and two in primary. My main focus at that time was to ensure that I pay the school fees on time. I spent $250 on building an extension room for my children. They used to sleep in the small kitchen house and they were not comfortable. Currently, they are so happy because they have a decent and spacious room to do their studies. I spent $150 on paying school fees for my children, Currently, they are studying well without being sent home like before. This was affecting their performance since they would miss some of the lessons. The remaining amount of money I spent on food and household items that we were missing at home. I am so happy because GiveDirectly has changed our living standards."
Betty's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Betty enrolled.
"Upon receiving this grant I will use huge portion of the transfer to build a house. This has always been on my mind but, my husband and I been finding it difficult to fulfil it due to poor financial status. My husband is ill and dont have the physical strength to do any physical job like farming activities ."
Dominic's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Dominic enrolled.
"My life has been that of misery and bad luck. I lost my parents at the age of 15 and this is the time I needed them the most especially to cater for my education. I dropped out of school shortly after and began to offer child labor in food kiosks in a nearby town. I was employed to split firewood and wash the dishes and this continued for 4 years when I realized that I wasn't being paid enough to even be able to save and invest in the future. I quit work and came back home to commence maize farming but my efforts were futile after the rains failed me and all my crops died. I was so frustrated because I had invested all my energy in this and nothing came from it. I have since that time decided to do casual jobs in the village just to enable me to buy food and not beg for clothing. I am however living a devastating life and I always try to encourage myself to press on despite all these challenges."