GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a $244 third payment.
"In my opinion, GD is doing well for me. Things has changed my life is improving. This program is like a present from God to me am grateful to God for being a part of this program."
View Mary's
over 2 years ago
received a $452 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly is the best organisation I have ever come across. Its mode of operation makes it so unique from the rest. The idea of helping the needy individually financially has never happened before in our lives. Apart from that, being allowed to choose what to purchase was the best thought ever. I, therefore, do not see any need to change anything as they proceed to the next villages."
View Kafedha's
over 2 years ago
received a $452 second payment.
"I spent part of my second transfer on clearing fees of $180 for my two daughters; in forms three and four respectively. They have been staying home for about two weeks due to the pending arrears. This used to frustrate me a lot because I was certain that they would miss exams as it was like a routine to them. I still can't believe that they resumed their studies with the rest. I will forever be thankful to GiveDirectly for this far it has brought us. Also, I spent around $230 to purchase iron sheets, building poles, nails and all the necessary materials to put up a new house for my six children. For the past three years, they have been sheltering at their uncle's house which was not spacious enough and I had the feeling that they had become a burden to them. I now feel contented and relieved as a parent to see them sleeping comfortably in the new house. Additionally, I bought two goats which I believe increased in number within a short period. Through them, I trust that I will achieve some other goals which I haven't accomplished so far. With the remaining amount of money, I bought food for my seven family members and other needful items in my household."
View Dama's
over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"My main goal is to enroll my son, Salma in college next year. He is a bright boy and focused. Although he has not yet shared with me the course he would wish to undertake, I feel obliged to support his academics even though I do not have a job. It will help him because I want him to succeed in life and be able to support my family and his younger siblings. I am also planning to start a small business that will help to diversify my sources of income. It will aid my ability to support my children and also relieve me from the struggles of making charcoal."
View Kanze's
over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"GiveDirectly does well in helping those in need in society by giving them cash transfers with no conditions. For many people, it has been of great assistance. Our burden has been reduced courtesy of the transfer. As a result, there is a general change in our society. Most people have built new houses because our houses were too old and small to accommodate all our family members. Some also found it easy to purchase food and start raising livestock. Those were goals that some of us could not accomplish at first. There is nothing that GiveDirectly does not do well."
View Zawadi's
over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"Currently, I live in Ganze, at my husband's paternal home. However, he had acquired a parcel of land in Mombasa ten years ago. Our family goal has been to develop it and buy a home there. Our one-year goal is to build a three-roomed, mud-walled walled house. That may take us about 30 iron sheets. Building in that house will help my husband to save a lot of money he has been spending on rent. As a result, all cash he has been using on rent will be diverted into our development. Our life will become slightly bearable."
View Jennifer's
over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"My primary goal as a single mother is to make sure my children receive the necessary educational support. In the past years, I have been struggling with this. To make sure they can continue their studies in the upcoming year, I have thought about exploiting possible avenues of raising additional money for the family. For instance, I will work toward paying fees in advance to prevent them from being sent home, giving them more time to concentrate on their studies. I am confident that I can succeed in this by continuing to look for part-time jobs to make sure they accomplish their academic goals."
View Sidi's
over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"I am hoping to start up a business ( selling fresh tap water). I believe that once I will acquire enough cash to purchase all the needful materials for the connection and installation, my life will transform even better. First, the water will not only be for commercial purposes but also domestic usage. I have been trekking long distances to fetch water which has been tiring as well as affecting my spinal cord."
View Kathumu's
over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"GiveDirectly is doing well by providing support through cash transfers, which is a major impact to eradicate poverty. Through cash transfers, my family is not struggling like before with food and school fees. I have enrolled my husband in a school of Mechanic Training and on completion, he will not only have new skills but also have a better job that will pay him enough to meet his financial obligations as the head of the family. I don't see the need to change the way of doing things,my hope is to reach more like me and change their lives with the funds."
View Esther's
over 2 years ago
received a $452 second payment.
"In my opinion, the transfers have brought a big difference in our village. This is because it has uplifted our living standards to a level that I never thought we were going to in a short time. Most of the villagers have built houses and opened different businesses which are developing and changing the whole village. I am working towards achieving my biggest goals, like owning my home simply because of the support I received from GiveDirectly. My hope is for the organization to continue assisting other villages that are affected by poverty."
View Bahati's