GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"In my opinion, the support from GiveDirectly uplifted our living standards by changing our lifestyles. They gave us unconditional support without any form of discrimination. I did not identify the areas that they needed to correct or things that were not done with a high level of integrity."
View Emmanuel's
over 2 years ago
received a second payment.
"My dream would be to expand my farm to a large-scale farm where I can grow more crops that would attract more income. This will come in handy in educating my children and meeting other goals. To ensure that I realise this goal, I plan on saving the money that I will be making from selling milk."
View Chepkemoi's
over 2 years ago
"When Lake Bogoria broke its banks, my family of 6 was vastly affected by floods. Luckily, we were evicted to safer grounds leaving behind the then-productive farms where we had planted maize. My life changed as we had to engage in other economic activities such as charcoal burning to purchase food for the household. Since then, we have been living from hand to mouth to even going to bed hungry. It pains me for even if the floods subside, this land can no longer be productive because of the salt deposition from the lake."
View Peninah's
over 2 years ago
"I am involved in the bakery business where I bake and sell cakes. Recently, my business has hit headwinds because the cost of raw materials shot up, a bale of wheat flour that use to sell at $13 rose to $23 and the cost of 20-liter cooking oil skyrocketed from $20 to $60 and it had a huge impediment to my business. I had to take painful measures of cutting down costs since I could not transfer the cost to the consumers which subsequently affected the sales volumes. The cost of gas also went up and so transporting the product to the consumers became costly. My business is on its knees, if the situation continues this way I am on the verge of closing it down. Where I have reached I have no other option, I have reached a dead end. I feel bad that the business that I have built for years with sweat, tears, and blood is facing imminent closure. It bothers me a lot."
View Weldon's
over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"I believe GiveDirectly does well in providing the underprivileged community with unconditional cash transfers. It makes sure to enroll deserving households, which helps to lessen family conflict. Second, with cash transfers, many people can always put their needs first. Our way of life has undergone significant change because of the program in our village. I also managed to build a rental home on my plot of land next to our neighborhood market. I have started collecting $10 a month in rent from it. The majority has also purchased livestock and constructed new homes. Goats and new homes acquired by the transfer are readily visible to anyone strolling the neighborhood."
View Adam's
over 2 years ago
"I am expectant with a six-month pregnant. I feel alot of pain in my lower belly since the fourth month. I went to the nearby health centre for medication and got some medicine but there is no improvement. I have no money to go see a specialist. This is the second pregnancy and the first one did not have such challenges. I am so worried about my health and the baby. This is the current challenge I am facing."
View Rachael's
over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"GiveDirectly as a nonprofit organization has mastered the art of good community entry practices. It does well in offering sensitization services and doing door-to-door visitation during enrollment. A situation that helps in ripping off potential imposters. It has therefore built a cordial relationship with us, and we can freely reach out in case we have a concern. In addition, it gives cash that enables us to spend on our areas of need. There is a positive change in the village, new houses have come up, and people's acquisition of assets increased. I have not so far observed what GiveDirectly does not do well."
View Alice's
over 2 years ago
received a $437 second payment.
"GiveDirectly does well by providing unconditional cash transfers that allow us to choose how to spend the money. This strategy is good because we can always put our needs first. I have seen a good change in my life since the last transfer. I managed to buy a new bed and mattress, so now, unlike before, I have better and more comfortable bedding. Similarly, many households have succeeded in constructing new homes. Whenever one takes a stroll in the village, they are often astounded by the bright, shiny roofs of recently built houses. On the other hand, I have not found anything that GiveDirectly does poorly."
View Kitsao's
over 2 years ago
"I have been having ulcers that have become chronic and from time to time I have been going to Tenwek hospital for medication. It has given me problems, sometimes it is so bad that when I eat I constipate immediately. I had tried the traditional herbs but it has not been of much help. So bad is the situation that doctors have recommended that I avoid taking some food including my favorite fermented milk. I feel bad about it. I hope one day I will be healed and be able to regain my normal health status."
View Alphinah's
over 2 years ago
"I consider financial constraints as the biggest challenge that I am currently facing. My quarrying job earns me very little, usually $2 per day, which equates to the cost of 1 packet of maize flour. This means I do not have a chance to save for my future as well as cater to very basic needs like housing. In addition, this job is no longer reliable because the workers are many and our boss chooses whom to hire. This has forced me to live in a pathetic house since I do not have money to construct a new one, a situation that has lowered my self-esteem since I can not afford to welcome my visitors."
View Dogo's