GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $28 fifth payment.
"My primary goal is to use a portion of my monthly transfers to pay my three children's school expenses as long as I continue to receive them. I always pay about $15 a month for their fees whenever I get my monthly transfer. I am happy that they can always concentrate on their studies. In addition, I have a goal of doing both poultry farming and raising livestock. I have one goat, but I aim to buy more this year. I have opted to invest in the same because they can help me when I have an emergency, and I will find it easier to support my children. Lastly, since my children do not have better bedding, my other goal is to buy them some better bedding. They have been using a sisal bed that has been inflicting them with pain."
View Sakina's
2 years ago
received a fifth payment.
"My priority is currently to see my children attending school comfortably without being discontinued due to a lack of fees. All my five children are currently in school and as a parent, my objective is to provide all they need to excel. This includes paying their fees on time. This has been made possible by the monthly transfers I get from GiveDirectly. It would have been difficult for me to raise the required fee by my own means, and my children would be frequently sent home."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $28 fifth payment.
"I am a single parent surviving on casual jobs such as burning and selling charcoal which does not pay much. The transfer so far has been helpful to me, I have been able to pay fees on time for my son. My goal is that through the monthly transfers, I will be able to better my life and that of my son. My plan is to see him excel in his academics as he is joining high school and I am hopeful that he will continue with his studies without interruptions concerning fees. Apart from school, I am also planning to buy more livestock like chickens and goats. I currently have 6 chickens and 1 goat. Since casual jobs are unreliable, this livestock will greatly help me as they multiply. I will sell the offspring and raise money to cater for my future financial needs like fees for my son."
View Jumaa's
2 years ago
received a $146 initial payment.
"When GiveDirectly got to our village, I knew this would be an opportunity for me to improve the stature of my life. My family comprises four children together with my husband. We've had difficulty with finances, thus making our life a bit strenuous. My husband and I rely on tomatoes which we farm on small scale. We sell the produce to earn a living. Upon receipt of my initial transfer, I used $110 to purchase tomato seedlings and fertilizer. I figured this would increase our income. I also spent $70 to boost my business. The cash transfer greatly improved our lives. We are grateful to the organization for its unconditional support."
View Winnie's
2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"Upon receiving my transfer, I knew that this was a golden opportunity for me to improve my living status. Life has not been easy on my end since I am a single mother of four children. Raising them single-handedly has been one of the hardest things. Therefore upon receiving my initial transfer, I opened a local eatery where I used $60. Secondly, I paid for the Nhif cover Which I had defaulted on due to lack of money. Additionally, build a chicken house worth $28. All this was not possible to accomplish before due to the lack of funds. I am so grateful for the support that lifted my living standard amazingly."
View Elizabeth's
2 years ago
received a $162 initial payment.
"The moment I received my transfer, I can vividly recall that I was at home busy with house chores. Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing loudly, Upon checking I confirmed that I had received money from GiveDirectly. The thought of receiving such a huge of money was so refreshing that forgot that I was tired after a long day in the sun. I was overwhelmed with happiness because I knew that I would be able to achieve my dreams. We then embarked on planning how we would spend our transfers."
View Margaret's
2 years ago
received a $162 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life today is that I was able to purchase a goat and also pay school fees for my grandson. Receiving the unconditional transfer has been a blessing in our lives thus we are grateful."
View Kimoi's
2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"Among the goals that I had written down was for me to be able to increase the farm inputs, by purchasing more seedlings and fertiliser. This is because it is one of the sectors that I depend on in earning a livelihood. Thus, I used $40 on the same. Secondly, I purchased a wire mesh worth $50 for fencing and lastly bought clothes and foodstuffs with the remaining amount. I am a farmer and a businessman, married to one wife and blessed with a child. I am so grateful for the great milestones that I have achieved. I was unable to accomplish them before due to financial constraints."
View Kibet's
2 years ago
received a $146 initial payment.
"The biggest difference is that my life has changed amazingly and I am grateful. I am optimistic that the harvest from the farm will bring a financial breakthrough and a total blessing. This is because this would mean that my child would have enough to eat and also good education. Above all, it brought happiness to our lives because for us Christmas came early. I am glad that I would be able to accomplish it."
View Jenniffer's
2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"I remember I was at home when my neighbours passed by excitedly speaking of having received their initial cash transfers. At that time, my phone was off, making it difficult for me to check whether this was true. I felt helpless. I couldn't verify whether the information is true. Fortunately, I was able to switch it on at a later time, and upon checking my MPESA balance, I was filled with joy on realizing I had received money from GiveDirectly. Words couldn't express the joy I felt. I was relieved that the support of GiveDirectly was timely and it came at a time when I was planning on irrigation of my farm for the planting season."
View Radi's