GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $239 second payment.
"I hope to build my house before the end of this year with the help of Givedirectly."
View Debora's
2 years ago
"The most chlenging thing that we are currently facing is shortage of water. In the recent past we have been getting enough supply of water from a water pan near us. With time, this pan has been strained by the rapidly growing population in my village and prolonged dry seasons. The water that we get from the pan is nowadays very dirty and has a high likelihood of being contaminated. We as a family have even worked hard and bought a 5000 litres capacity water tank but we do not have water in it due to the prolonged periods of going without rain. We can only hope that the government will come in and address the situation at hand by providing us with piped water."
View Peter's
2 years ago
received a sixth payment.
"Am grateful for how my two sons have been funding the education of their younger twin sisters. However, I would gain pleasure and more purpose if I actively participated in the contribution so that they do not feel I have neglected my duties as a parent. Supporting the education of my daughters to completion is the greatest accomplishment I look forward to attaining in the coming four years. I believe that this will happen with the help of the cash transfers as I plan to keep saving $20 every month towards that course.
View Winnie's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I have always desired to build a 12-room rental structure in my compound that would help generate a stable income to support the needs of my family. I believe that this rental business would do well because my home is located close to the road and trade center. However, financial constraints have weighed so much on me that it has been difficult to save on this goal. I estimated the construction cost to be around $8000, which I cannot raise given the nature of my income and obligations. Am still hopeful that this vision will actualize in a few years to come. "
View Kitsao's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"Making and selling donuts is how I raise funds to cater to the needs of my two children. Though their father is actively involved, his casual tasks in working on people's farms barely keep them clothed. Since they are still young, my aim is to ensure they receive proper education throughout. I intend to raise the finances through livestock keeping; that is why I already own two goats courtesy of the transfer."
View Elvina's
2 years ago
received a $227 initial payment.
"GiveDirectly has done something great by giving me happiness and rest. We were suffering a lot in this community and even nearby communities but GiveDirectly sent us direct cash which is very helpful to us. They have done no wrong ,only good they have done. In fact, they are next to God."
View Jestina's
2 years ago
received a $227 initial payment.
"I now have peace of mind and I am not suffering on people's farms like before. I feel healthier because I am resting from the hard work. I have peace in my heart knowing that very soon I will be under my own zinc roof. I can have fine dream at night because of the happiness GiveDirectly has given me. They reduced my suffering."
View Betty's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"While relaxing outside my house at around 4 pm, I heard a message tone from my phone which was in the house. Since my spouse was in the house doing his stuff, I do not know how to read, I informed my grandson who confirmed that I had received the promised money from GiveDirectly. I was filled with happiness for receiving such a huge amount of money at once, and for the first time. Getting such a sum of money at my age was not even in my dreams or wishes."
View Eunice's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"I used to own a small cafeteria before GiveDirectly came into our lives. I was selling tea and various baked goods, but the profits were pitiful, to say the least. I was in debt and unable to pay school fees or meet any other needs we had. GiveDirectly changed my life, and it has had a positive impact on my family, we will be eternally grateful."
View Loice's
2 years ago
"Drought is the main challenge I'm facing. It has been many years since we have had strong rains and this has greatly affected us. I have to walk for long distances in search of water which is very hard. In addition to this, I'm faced with hunger since our farms and animals are not as productive as they usually are when we have good rains. My children have to stay without food or go with two meals in a day which is not enough for the family."
View Esther's