GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a second payment.
"GiveDirectly was kind enough to send me the transfers and let me plan ahead of time. I started by organizing our food situation in the house, making sure I bought enough food to last us a while. I went on to buy a female goat, hoping to benefit from the milk and possible breeding opportunities. School fees were the next priority for the two children I have in school. Three of the five children advanced to class eight before being forced to drop out due to a lack of funds for school fee. I have one in Form 3 at Ngereya Secondary School who needs $300 per month and another in Class 8 at Masemo Primary School who needs $4.25 per month. With the 4 acres that I use to burn charcoal, I have the opportunity to earn some money by selling charcoal sacks in Kilifi Town for $4.5 each. My husband died last year, and I would not have been able to meet any of my obligations if it hadn't been for GiveDirectly."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I had always wanted to use my money to purchase animals like goats, sheep, and cows. But given the severe effects of the prolonged drought that has engulfed our region, this will be challenging. As chicken feed and medication are readily available and reasonably priced, I'm considering starting a poultry project. In this manner, I will be able to amass wealth and generate income after selling the hens once their population rises."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"The moment I finish college I'm planning to go look for a well paying job. First, I will work to earn enough money and buy all the machines that are required for tailoring. I will also be saving the transfers I get and I believe after I raise enough I will start my own fashion store. I will be making and selling clothes at affordable prices that will make me get huge profits and give back to my society."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $28 ninth payment.
"My hope for this new year is to use the Givedirectly transfers as well as my earnings to complete my roof. My roof requires 24 iron sheets to complete and I have only been able to replace 3. One sheet is 9 dollars and it will take a while before I am able to afford the 220 dollars to complete the entire repairs. I hope to buy periodically over the years, the iron sheets, to ensure I complete this project before the next rainy season. I also bought a number of goats which my transfers. I hope to add a couple more to the ones I have. I want to gain enough goats to help facilitate my own college and my children's education using this animals. I want to go to school and learn how to drive that I can open myself to better job prospects."
View Mapenzi's
2 years ago
received a sixth payment.
"I am well advance in years but my family still depnds on me. food seems to be our biggerst challenge and Givedirectly transfers have made it easy to have an assuarance of a meal for the time that we will recieve the money hence I hope to provide food for my family as I continue to receive this money. I am also working towards adding to my animals as I have bought sheep and ducks. I get the sheep at $26 and the ducks at $10 for a full grown duck. I want to have a good number which will ensure a source of income since age comes with disease so that I an always afford treatment in case I become sick."
View Kazungu's
2 years ago
received a sixth payment.
"I would like to continue with my chicken business. I want to grow my chicken rearing into a business as its a venture that does not require so much technical expertise. As my chicken grow I hope to get them to a point that they lay eggs that I can sell while hatch others to add to my current numbers. I also hope to use Givedirectly transfers to feed this chicken to allow them grow and also buy medicine whenever necessary or even vaccinate whenever necessary. My hope is that when my numbers grow to above 200 I can now venture into other businesses from the proceedings of this chicken rearing buisness."
View Rajab's
2 years ago
received a $28 ninth payment.
"As I said earlier I have started construction since I did not have a house of my own and was living in my brothers. I have already started building and used some of my December transfers on roofing. I am also directing an amount from my wages to contribute towards this project. I hope to finish this house this year with the support of GiveDirectly transfers. I also have been buying animals with my previous months transfers and now have 3 goats and 5 chicken. I hope to increase this heard this year and become an animal farmer which will in turn become a business that helps me take care of my family."
View Kazungu's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I had told you earlier that I live in a one room house with my children. This is a very uncomfortable situation as we are all squeezed in in a very small space. I want to build a house this year with four rooms using GD transfers. I have been able to accumulate sheep over my last11 transfers which amount to 8 sheep. I believe that from the young ones they have I will have more sheep which I can sell to get money to substitute for roofing which is the most expensive part of the project. I also want to now focus on saving to add a cow before I can resume with buying more sheep. I believe animals for me are a good resource and provide a good emergency fund."
View Amani's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"My goals this year are very simple. I want to finish patching up the roof now, to prepare for the rainy season although we have been experiencing a drought. This will need 18 dollars that i will get from my GD transfers. I want also to create my own source of income. I am a tailor who rents out machines from people to make clothes and they will usually charge me 15 dollars to rent it monthly. I make about 45 dollars a month which means that once I pay for the machine I am only left with 35 dollars. I want to increase my earnings and so I am planning to Save 15 dollars a month so I can reach my goal of 150 dollars in ten months which I will use to buy my own machine making me independent."
View Elizabeth's
2 years ago
received a sixth payment.
"I finished my form four exams but was unable to further my studies since their was no money to pay for my college education. I am currently seeing the hope of my pursuing a course in tourism specifically as a tour guide which has been my long dream. I hope to get money from the merry go round when its my turn which I will use to settle the school fees for this. I am also now interested in being diagnosed of my ailment as it was something I had not foreseen and I hope to use Givedirectly transfers to achieve this and while also taking care of the treatment of whatever this stomach issue is as now I am not aware what it may be."
View Neema's