GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $239 second payment.
"I used half of my transfer to purchase one lot of land in Fishtown. It has been my wish to leave an asset behind for my children when I die, but I haven't had money to even buy a piece of land. The current house I reside in is a family house where I only occupy one bedroom with my children and it is embarrassing to live in the same room with your children. I bought the land to make my dream come to reality and that is to have my own house.
I also used the rest of my transfer to invest in a new business (dried goods - beans, soap, rice, pepper, seasonings); the business will help make my money grow and continue bringing in money to complete my house to my taste."
View Slohblee's
2 years ago
received a $239 third payment.
"I used all of my third transfer on my five children's school fees. I have three children in Fishtown attending the Tweh Jayklay high school, where the oldest girl is in 7th grade, and my two younger boys are in 4th grade; the two smaller children are in 2nd and 1st grade respectively at a school in Jorproken here. I decided to spend my transfer on my children's fees because my they are my future; once they are educated, they will do great things for me and bring my pride and happiness as well as helping themselves to survive."
View Theresa's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"Being a housewife, I was at home relaxing after completing to my household chore. It was around 5 pm and had just arrived from our women's financial group. I was alerted by the loud message notification on the phone. I felt extremely happy about receiving the transfer, I called my spouse to inform him about the good news, and he promised to come back home in a week since he was at work."
View Zuleah's
2 years ago
received a $425 second payment.
"I want to make sure that I finish my rental investment because it is currently unfinished. This will be my top priority as soon as I have money.
By doing this, I will have a source of revenue from the rental collection, which will allow me to provide for the daily and essential needs of my family while also being able to take care of myself."
View Christine's
2 years ago
received a $425 second payment.
"I am currently working on opening a café. Because there is less competition for this type of business in our area and because there are so many students there, I am confident in its ability to generate good sales. Since producing and selling charcoal has become unstable owing to the lack of trees in our area, the goal of this business is to generate income. I would hope to have started the business by the end of the year."
View Furaha's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"Living in a leaking grass-thatched house was the most pathetic situation I was in. After the enrolment, I vowed to build a nice house once I receive the money. Upon getting the first transfer, I saw it prudent to honor my desire. I bought 24 pieces of iron sheets for $221, five ridges for $14, and building poles and rafters for $74. I am grateful since the house is almost to completion. This will restore my happiness since I was unhappy and stressed due to the status of the house I was living in. As a housewife of three, I opted to buy two bales of maize flour for $37 to ensure that I have enough food at home. For the remaining amount, I opted to keep it for my family's upkeep as well as sorting school fees for my two lower primary school children"
View Kahunda's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"The main difference, which I can attest to, was that going to bed hungry before the transfer was essentially the norm. I used to skip meals even three days a week, but after the transfer, I am singing a different tune. I appreciate GiveDirectly helping me out. Since the first transfer, I have not gone as long without eating. Being able to send my kids to school is another important accomplishment that neither my husband, a night watchman, nor I, who only worked occasional jobs, could afford. None of these things would have been soon feasible if GiveDirectly did not exist."
View Mary's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"Around 3 o'clock, when I was hiding from the sun beneath a tree outside my house, my phone rang with a message. Because I cannot read or write, I asked my aide to translate the strange message after the phone rang twice quickly. When he informed me that GiveDirectly had sent me the initial transfer of $550, I was perplexed. I was overjoyed to get the money because I knew I would finally be able to realize my ambition of having a nicer place to live."
View Dama's
2 years ago
received a $440 initial payment.
"The hardest thing in life is being a housewife and a mother of five children because you end up becoming a parasite on your partner.
Prior to receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly, life had not been easy for a long. I was washing my family's clothing at around three o'clock when I heard a message on my phone.
When I checked, I saw that the initial transfer had been made to my account. Since I realized that relief doors were opened for my family, I ululated with joy."
View Mwenda's
2 years ago
received a $440 second payment.
"I am a subsistence crop farmer, growing maize and vegetables on half an acre farm at home for family use. I always do this by hiring some labourers to assist me in ploughing and weeding the farm. In the coming year and beyond, I hope to boost this activity by acquiring an ox and ox-plough. This will ensure that I prepare the farm on time before planting which will ensure more harvest hence food security."
View Mary's