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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Agnes's family
access_time 2 years ago
Agnes received a $28 fifth payment.
"I work as a hotel attendant, and my daily wages are insufficient to support my family due to the high cost of living. To break the cycle of poverty, I want to start a viable business. My current job does not pay well. As a result, running my business will enable me to meet my children's educational needs. A food canteen and a grocery canteen are two viable business ideas I have. If I am successful in starting a business, I will be able to start raising livestock for the benefit of my children's future."
Katana's family
access_time 2 years ago
Katana received a $440 initial payment.
"I am a single parent, living in a small one-roomed house together with 3 children, a girl and two boys. I had desired to own a decent house but my efforts were in vain due to the poverty condition in the family. I spent $280 to build a decent two-roomed structure, one room for myself and others for the children. Furthermore, I used $170 to support the education of my three children who are both in primary and secondary school. Remaining with them at home because of the huge fee arrears was bothering my mind. At the moment, they are learning without being discontinued because of the transfers. I also bought enough food with the remaining amount because of the ongoing famine in our area."
Maurine's family
access_time 2 years ago
Maurine received a $440 initial payment.
"I was at home cleaning the compound with my 5 children. It was around 2 pm when I received the message notification on my phone. After checking my phone, I was very happy to see that I had received the cash transfer. I was positive that I would accomplish most of my goals through the aid. I had to wait for my spouse who was out to pick up the kids from school. When he arrived I informed him about the good needs and we together celebrated receiving the transfer and started to make plans on how to use the transfer."
Kazosi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kazosi received a $28 fifth payment.
"This year, I want to construct a house. I'm pleased to report that I have purchased eleven iron sheets and have money set up for five more. There will be no need for a larger residence because I live alone. Once I have the required sixteen pieces of iron sheets, I will go out and buy wood, nails, and construction labor. In order to make the house more stable than a mud house, I will later plaster it. I'll be proud and feel independent once my ambition is realized."
Gona's family
access_time 2 years ago
Gona received a $28 tenth payment.
"I don't currently have a job or any other income. About 16 goats are what I intend to buy, and I will sell some of them later to help pay for college. I hope to complete the remaining 10 transfers this year after having already purchased six with initial transfers. I took my primary national exams in 2011, but due to a lack of funding for my registration costs, I was unable to enroll in the secondary school. Even yet, I have always had a desire for electrical installation, but I was unable to pursue it since I lacked the funds. Thanks to the initiative, I anticipate raising the enrollment price for college by the next year."
Halima's family
access_time 2 years ago
Halima received a tenth payment.
"I want to buy two cows this year to raise them. They are very helpful because I will have more of them once they give birth, and we will have enough milk for the whole family to consume, so we will consume more frequently than we do now when we can not afford it. I joined a savings group where we all save $10 each month and each month we give a member shares worth $230, so I think I will be able to do this. I'll use them to buy the cows when it comes time for me to get my share."
Dama's family
access_time 2 years ago
Dama received a $28 sixth payment.
"I am completely dependent on my parents right now because I do not have any other means of earnings. I need to come up with a solution to meet my child's needs before she enrolls in school because I have one that will start there shortly. I shall thus be buying and raising at least twenty hens this year. In order to raise money to buy goats, I will sell some of them after a year because they increase more quickly and are therefore more profitable. I'll sell some of them later, after two years, to raise money so I can start a business. Even though I still don't know which company to invest in, I think I will have decided by then."
Kadii's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kadii received a $28 tenth payment.
"We have seen an increase in our household income as a result of the monthly payments, and we are currently able to meet the majority of my family's demands, which makes me happy and appreciative. Even though the majority of the monthly transfers will go toward meeting our basic requirements, I plan to buy at least two goats this year to raise. They are profitable since I will have extra goats after they give birth that I may sell later to raise money for our requirements. I will set aside a percentage of the money each month in order to accomplish this."
Jane's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jane received a $28 sixth payment.
"The greatest choice was to open a grocery store because I have seen it succeed. Because of the rising demand for the products, I'm considering growing the enterprise. I therefore want to grow it this year. I am currently running it in a tiny space that cannot hold a significant supply. To be able to provide food for the entire region, my plan is to first extend the room and then increase the stock. I think I can accomplish this within the year if I use the profits in addition to the monthly payments. After that, the proceeds from it, when combined with the money my husband makes from his work as a driver, will be sufficient to support the two of us, our five children, and them."
Tusufu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Tusufu received a $28 ninth payment.
"My objective for this year is to replace the grass thatch on the roof of my current house with iron sheets. Because farming, which was my main source of income, is today deteriorating, the economy is difficult. On the other hand, although I build houses, the industry has recently been inactive. People are not building houses, which I think is a result of the challenging economic. Despite all of this, whenever I receive the monthly installments, I will buy the construction materials needed to build the house in bits. By the end of the year, I am hoping to have raised enough money to upgrade the house, giving me a solid building that will not cost much to maintain in contrast to the grass thatched homes. Every month I have to replace the grass, but there isn't much grass left because of the present drought, and what little is available is pricey."