GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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6 years ago
received a $447 second payment.
"My life has tremendously improved in that, I own livestock that I hope to be a source of my livelihood in the near future. In the past, I never had any asset I could sell in order to get income to meet my needs like medical."
View Rose's
6 years ago
received a $447 second payment.
"My life has greatly improved in that, I have new beddings and land for cultivation. Previously, I never had good beddings and enough land for crop plantation. This is because I never had money to acquire them. Life was really very hard since I didn't have a source of income."
View Esther's
6 years ago
received a $447 second payment.
"My life is now different in that, I live a much more peaceful and happy life because I have more land to cultivate. In the past, I didn't have enough farm land to plant my crops hence my family often times suffered from hunger. In addition, I succesfully married a wife something I had failed to do previosuly due to lack of enough money to pay bride price."
View Steven's
6 years ago
received a $447 second payment.
"My life has greatly changed in that, I own aplot of land which has given me room for expansion. Peviously, my spouse and his two brothers shared only two acres of land that they inherited from their father. This made agriculture difficult hence we couldn't produce enough food for our family to feed on."
View Hellen's
6 years ago
received a $447 second payment.
"My life has now improved in that, I sleep in a permanent house as opposed to the dilapidated thatched house I used to stay. In addition, my health is now better because I had complications with my Urinary system that needed an operation but I never had the money for it."
View Joyce's
6 years ago
received a $447 second payment.
"Through this support, I was able to take my daughter to a technical school. I believe she is going to acquire tailoring skills that will grant her a brighter future. I also own livestock now which will help me continue paying my daughter's technical school fees. The two acres of land that I have got will increase my yield production. Before, I honestly did have money for my daughter's school fees and her joining a technical school was not going to be possible because I don't have a stable source of income.I only had two acres of land that couldn't produce enough good for the 8 children that we currently have."
View Ketty's
6 years ago
received a $447 second payment.
"My life is better now because I'm sleeping in a descent cemented house. I also own a cow out of this money. My children will soon take milk and some will be sold for income to pay medical bills for the family members. Previously I didn't have money to plaster our house since the little money we would get will go on buying food for the family. I also did have a cow of my own."
View Magrate's
6 years ago
received a $465 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that, I have owned a cow that I had desired in life. The milk from the cow will generate income that I will use for buying basic needs like soap, clothes, food. Previously I used to do casual labour(working in people's gardens) to get income for buying basic needs at my old age."
View Eremegio's
6 years ago
received a $447 second payment.
"My life is different in that, I'm happy because I will soon own a motorbike that will generate for me income daily. This will enable me feed well and buy some livestock, the money I get will also help my wife in the farming activities(ploughing and weeding). Currently I am riding a motorbike which is not mine and every week the owner expect UGX 50,000 from it leaving me with very little income."
View Hassan's
6 years ago
received a $465 initial payment.
"The moment my trustee told me that I had recieved my money, I was over whelmed by joy because the burden of searching for scarce thatch at my old age was going to come to an end."
View Elizabeth's