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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Erick's family
access_time 5 years ago
Erick received a $23 sixteenth payment.
"Hopes and expectations are now more having in mind that we are still receiving the transfer for quite sometimes. I have many plans which make me foresee great future if at all they will come to pass. In the next six months, I hope to have fully established poultry farming and also increased the leased farm so that I may increase the production. I am planning to dwell more on the short season crops which include vegetables and tomatoes since the rains nowadays are really unpredictable and cannot favor long season plantations."
Barack's family
access_time 5 years ago
Barack received a $525 second payment.
"I have a huge piece of land which had been lying fallow for over two years because I could not raise the money to pay for the labour services as the farm is too large for me to work on alone. With the help of these transfers, I have managed to buy all the requirements and even hire labour to help out on the farm. I am happy that this year will be a different year because I am going to have a huge harvest which I can later sell to raise more money. The transfer also helped me buy decent seats in my house which I would not afford before due to low income."
Helida's family
access_time 5 years ago
Helida received a $525 second payment.
"Building a good house for myself and the family to live in better conditions is one of the things that would never have happened were it not for GiveeDirectly.I used apart of the transfers to put up a house that is looking better and cleaner than the old dilapidated one that was leaking whenever it rained. The roof is iron sheets as opposed to the grass thatch that I had used initially. Water in my household too has become easily available because I dug a well. In fact, the well is now a source of income as I charge my neighbors who come here to collect water. The income is now being used I meet my daily household needs. This well will now be for a very long time a constant source of income because of the scarcity of water in our area. My children will enjoy the benefits hence this will be part of my inheritance from me Additionally, my home has been greatly improved because I bought sofa sets that are enough to host visitors at any time. This is unlike before when I would have to borrow from my neighbors which was quite hectic I am happy to receive anyone in my home at any time without having to go through the shameful ordeal."
Philip's family
access_time 5 years ago
Philip received a $525 second payment.
"Currently, I have a house for my children. I used a part of the transfer to buy building materials to help me build it. This is like a dream come true. Previously, Ithey used to share a room with me and being that they are growing up so fast, I had to move quickly and get a separate house for them. the money I received saved me a great deal. Providing food for the family was another huge challenge so, on receiving this transfer, I used some of the money to buy foodstuffs that could last us for several months ahead. We still have the foodstuffs and my family is well fed now. If I had not received the transfers, My I would still be sharing a room with my kids and would still be going to bed hungry on quite often."
Irine's family
access_time 5 years ago
Irine received a $23 sixteenth payment.
"In the next six months, I believe we will be financially stable. Our business will have picked up. This means we will be able to live better lives since we will be able to afford most of the things we couldn't afford some months ago. The best part of it is that we will not have to depend on casual jobs in order to earn a living."
Mercy's family
access_time 5 years ago
Mercy enrolled.
"My siblings and i were left ophans five years ago when my parents died after ailing from cancer. We sold out all our land in order to pay their medical bills which was a double loss for us. My aunt gave me this small hut to live in with my children. I do not own any piece of land myself to practice farming and this has forced me to engage in casual labour which entails working in people's farms to fend for my family. This is the biggest hardship im facing in life."
Stephen's family
access_time 5 years ago
Stephen enrolled.
"When I got married fifteen years, the thought of losing my beloved wife to another man never crossed my mind. When she left me five years into the marriage, life became unbearable. I had to juggle between tailoring business and household chores. This became a constraint to the business, and within a short period, my productivity could not meet the needs of the family. My inability to sufficiently provide basic necessities to the family is the biggest hardship I've ever faced. It left me dejected and lonely in life. At the moment, my children are of age, the youngest is sitting for her national exams this year. Once I receive my transfers, I will boost the business and ensure the family never lack again."
Dama's family
access_time 5 years ago
Dama enrolled.
"In our village, getting a packet of maize flour means walking five kilometers away to get one. This has made me to have the desire to own a shop business within the village, a dream that has never materialized yet due to lack of capital. This case has forced me to depend on my husband who is taping wine as his only source of income. His earnings are never enough to support our family needs and therefore, receiving this money means fulfilling my life goal. I will start a shop business in order to have a reliable source of income. The income from this business will support my children's education and other basic needs."
Dama's family
access_time 5 years ago
Dama enrolled.
"Despite having separated with my husband twenty years ago, I managed to construct a small iron roofed house which as at today, its condition is not worthy for living. The only business I do is to sell tobacco within the village and this earns me only five hundred shillings per month. Considering my son's job of taping wine, I am forced to supplement his income in order to have our daily meals. Receiving this money means building a good house for myself and also support my son who hopes to own a shop business. The income from this business will sustain our basic needs and hence changing our life for the better."
Jumwa's family
access_time 5 years ago
Jumwa received a $544 initial payment.
"I felt very happy the moment I received the transfer. It was around 4.00 pm. I normally wake up very early to prepare breakfast before I go to the farm. This day was just a bit different because when I scrolled my phone just to know the time, I found a message from Give Directly. I was so happy and felt like screaming and shouting with joy but I tried to stay calm. I knew that this money was going to help me meet my long awaited goals."