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Newsfeed > Stephen's Profile
Stephen's family
Standard Kenya
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($535 USD)
access_time almost 5 years ago
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
For quite a long time now, I have been running my tailoring business and this has been the single source of my livelihood. I have always wished to improve my business in order to raise the proceeds from it to enable me to handle ever-growing needs for my family but this has been a challenge because the little amount that the business makes goes into the daily needs such as food. Now that I have the transfer, my next plan of action is to purchase and new additional sewing machine and buy more of textile materials for my shop. I am so happy and confident my dream of growing my business is finally here. This also gives me the opportunity to provide for my family well from the proceeds of my business.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At around 10 pm, I received a message on my phone. On checking, I confirmed that the message was from GiveDirectly informing me that I had finally received my first transfer from them. I felt happy for the money because I knew that it would, later on, change my life completely.
What did you spend your first transfer on?
As a farmer, I majorly depend on the income that I get from rearing livestock to take care of my family. When I got the first transfer, I bought a sheep and a goat for KSh. 6500 to add to the few livestock that I currently own. Apart from being a livestock farmer, I also run a tailoring business to help support my family. The sewing machine that I use has been of help for a good number of years and it is getting old and I am planning to buy a new sewing machine and some more textile materials for KSh 8000 that will help me cope up with the growing market demand for my business. My hope is that with the boost my business will get, I will be able to gradually improve on the proceeds. I am planning to use the remaining amount to take care of our usual basic needs such as food and other household items to improve the general comfort at home.
access_time 5 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means I will be in a capacity to expand my tailoring business. Currently, I operate an old sewing machine at a veranda in the nearby shopping center. Since my wife walked out of our marriage ten years ago, the responsibility of raising children alone has been overwhelming. The little money I earn from my business is hardly enough to feed the children; not even enough to rent a proper working space. Therefore, I will use my money to purchase a new machine and rent a secured place so that I can run the business efficiently. This way, I will have enough income to provide better education, nutrition, and healthcare for the family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Evening is the happiest part of my day. This is because it is the only time I get to rest and enjoy quality time with my children. Being a single parent and the only provider, I spend most of the day out there looking for money, and evening is the best moment for me and the children to bond.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
When I got married fifteen years, the thought of losing my beloved wife to another man never crossed my mind. When she left me five years into the marriage, life became unbearable. I had to juggle between tailoring business and household chores. This became a constraint to the business, and within a short period, my productivity could not meet the needs of the family. My inability to sufficiently provide basic necessities to the family is the biggest hardship I've ever faced. It left me dejected and lonely in life. At the moment, my children are of age, the youngest is sitting for her national exams this year. Once I receive my transfers, I will boost the business and ensure the family never lack again.