GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Morena's family
access_time 1 month ago
Morena enrolled.
"The transfers will boost me in farming maize. This would mean an increase in the yield hence increase in income. I depend on maize farming to earn a living and due to the recent floods I lost half of my farm to it. I plan on replanting it and purchasing a generator to help with pumping water from the river hence making work more easier. I am happy that Give directly will transform my life to be better."
Merryline's family
access_time 1 month ago
Merryline enrolled.
"Receiving this money means financial freedom and a stable source of income. I plan on purchasing a generator,water pipes and leasing half an acre piece of land to plant tomatoes. This will earn me double the amount of the transfers and I can use to build a better house. I am excited because the transfers will change my life and I will live decently with my family."
Cynthia's family
access_time 1 month ago
Cynthia enrolled.
"Financial independence is what I hope to achieve from these transfers. I lost two acres of maize and vegetables to floods and this put us at a loss of $200. Considering it is what we depended on to make ends meet, it has been difficult to start again. I am excited because the transfers have come at a better time to enable me start up again. I plan on farming watermelons and maize and in three months time I will harvest from which I can make enough money to cater to my family's basic needs."
Elisabeth's family
access_time 1 month ago
Elisabeth received a $428 initial payment.
"Receiving an unconditional cash transfer was a blessing for my family. I used $200 to pay school fees for my son in secondary school and my two children in primary school. They had been in and out of school several times due to unpaid fees, which disrupted their education. Ensuring their fees were paid meant they could stay in school consistently and focus on their studies without interruptions. I then paid off a $110 debt to the water company that supplies our household. The debt had accumulated to the point where our water supply was disconnected, and I had to fetch water from our neighbors. Clearing this debt was a priority to restore our access to clean water and avoid further inconveniences. I also used $77 to buy a bag of potatoes and 10 liters of cooking oil to start a chips-selling business. This small business is a step towards financial stability, providing a steady income. Additionally, I purchased seven iron sheets and roofing nails for $80 to repair our leaking roof, improving our living conditions. The remaining money went towards buying one and a half bags of maize, ensuring we had enough food. I am incredibly grateful for the help from GiveDirectly, which has allowed me to support my family's education, restore essential services, and invest in a small business for future stability."
Lebana's family
access_time 1 month ago
Lebana enrolled.
"My maize farm is struggling due to a lack of funds for irrigation. I lack money to buy fuel and HDPE pipes essential for watering the crops. Animal attacks on the farm are a recurring issue, compounded by the inability to fence the farm due to financial constraints. With no sustainable employment, providing food for my family of 4 is a daily challenge. Additionally, I am facing difficulties paying for my theology course and covering school fees for my child. Moreover, essential furniture for my house remains unaffordable due to financial limitations."
Philemon's family
access_time 1 month ago
Philemon enrolled.
"I'm facing challenges in expanding my newly started small business in the village. Selling goods in the open air leads to spoilage since i lack the resources to build a structure. Additionally, seeing my one-acre farming land unused gives me stress; I wanted to plant watermelon but could not due to financial constraints. Moreover, after experiencing flood damage to my home, I intended to relocate it to higher ground within the compound, but financial limitations prevent me from doing so."
Noiliyan's family
access_time 1 month ago
Noiliyan enrolled.
"I currently have 1 acre of farming land that remains unused due to financial constraints, preventing me from purchasing essential farm inputs such as a gasoline generator, pipes, seeds and fuel. My family's primary income sources are charcoal burning and support from our children, which are insufficient to cover our food expenses and school fees for our two children. Moreover, our household items were destroyed by floodwater, and I lack the funds to replace them."
Agnes's family
access_time 1 month ago
Agnes enrolled.
"I am currently living in a flood prone area, when the floods came we were moved out of the village by Red-cross Kenya to a safer grounds. When we came back I found that water is still in my house because I built it on a lower ground water stagnated for long while other places are already dry. I am planning to use my cash transfers to shift my house to high ground for safety. I am also planning to buy school uniforms for my children because they have been wearing old worn out uniforms to school due to financial challenges.iam planning to use the remaining money to buy goats, chicken , food ,plastic chairs and utensils for my family."
Kerry's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kerry enrolled.
"Recently, our area was hit hard by floods, which has been devastating for me. The floodwaters destroyed my 2-acre maize farm, and it feels like I've lost all the progress I had made in my life. Financially, I'm unable to replant crops due to the damage. Even attempts at charcoal burning were thwarted by the persistently wet ground. Now, I find myself depending on casual labor on other farms where owners are able to replant."
Nalepo's family
access_time 1 month ago
Nalepo enrolled.
"Receiving this money is a dream come true for me. I plan on allocating KES 11000 to clear some fee arrears for my youngest son who completed his secondary education recently. This will enable him get his certificate in the coming months. I will then use the remaining amount to venture into agriculture. I plan on planting some watermelons in my 2 acre farm. I am hopeful that I will have a bounty harvest to cater for future needs of the family."