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Newsfeed > Sharon's Profile
Sharon's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($349 USD)
access_time 5 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This year and beyond, my goal is to acquire some land in the Parkera irrigation scheme. Previously, I used to lease land, but now I want to buy my own. Owning this land will change my farming for the better because there is a reliable water supply, ensuring a good harvest. With this improvement, I will be able to sell the produce to meet my immediate household needs and pay for my children’s education. This way, I can ensure they have a brighter future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am so happy and grateful for what GiveDirectly has done for my life. What stood out to me the most is how they enrolled many people without being selective or discriminatory. They are very inclusive, and I love that about GiveDirectly. My recommendation is for them to enroll even more people so that others can also improve their lives. Their approach truly makes a positive difference in our community.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Recently, when I received $450 from GiveDirectly, I started allocating the money according to my most urgent priorities. First, I had a leaking roof that caused a lot of discomfort for my family, especially during the rainy season. To solve this, I used $130 to buy iron sheets to improve the roof, which will now provide safety and comfort for my family. Next, I used $230 to buy three goats. Before this, I only owned four sheep. My plan is to raise these animals, and they will help generate income, which will be useful in times of emergencies. The money arrived just as I was harvesting, but I didn’t have enough funds to complete it. So, I used $40 to hire labor for harvesting a farm I planted in partnership with Kenya Seed Company. The money from this harvest will enable me to buy a generator, which will make my farming activities more sustainable, as I will no longer rely on rainfed agriculture. With the generator, I will be able to irrigate my farm. Lastly, I used the remaining amount to buy food and household items for my family to ensure we have enough to eat.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18240 KES ($142 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was a Sunday evening, and I was out in the fields harvesting tomatoes for some extra income when I decided to check the time on my phone. As soon as I switched it on, there it was—a message showing I had received the unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly. My heart skipped a beat! I hurried home and shared the news with my husband, and he was just as happy as I was. We sat down together and began planning how we would use the money to buy food for the household and finally get some new furniture we’ve been needing for so long
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference I’ve seen since receiving the unconditional cash from GiveDirectly is that I was finally able to buy a sofa set for my house. It’s something I’ve always wanted but never thought I could afford. Before, my house looked like an empty hall, with nothing to make it feel like home. But now, thanks to GiveDirectly, it’s furnished, and I love how much more welcoming and comfortable it feels. Every time I am away from home, I look forward to going home because I know I a m going to a comfortable place.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When we received the unconditional cash transfer, my husband and I sat down to carefully plan how we would spend it. We prioritized household necessities, and the first thing we did was allocate $58 to buy a 3-seater sofa set. As a young family just starting out, we had been dreaming of replacing our plastic chairs with something more comfortable and welcoming. This sofa set was a significant upgrade for our living space. I then used $60 to purchase a bed and a mattress. This was particularly important for us because we often have siblings visit during the holidays. Having a proper bed for them ensures that they have a comfortable place to rest. After that, I spent $20 on a phone for my husband. This investment has been great in helping us stay connected, especially when he’s away for work. It has made communication between us much easier and more reliable. I used $10 to buy new utensils and $15 to purchase a table, which has made our daily meals more enjoyable. To ensure we had enough food, I spent $17 on half a bag of maize. I am glad that the money has greatly improved our quality of life and brought us a step closer to creating a comfortable and stable home environment.
access_time 4 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I want to shift my focus into farming next season, we use water from river Perkerra to irrigate our farms and this is not possible without a generator to pump water from the river. GiveDirectly's cash transfer will help me to acquire one generator costing $350. I am also planning to spend $300 of my transfers to plant maize crop and vegetables. This will reduce my burden of working on casual jobs to put food on the table for my loved ones. It is shamming that we do not have a toilet in our family. With the transfers from GiveDirectly, I will be able to build one for my family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Despite living an unbearable life, I managed to buy three goats in February 2024 with my savings. This rejuvenated my dream of venturing into livestock farming. I am happy that this helps my family to have other sources of income.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The scares of flash floods that occurred in our area are still fresh in our family. We had planted maize crop on our two-acre piece of land in April 2024. We were hopeful that our life will take a different turn and that we will live a better life. It is unfortunate that in the blink of an eye we had lost all of our investment. The flash floods swept through my village and destroyed all our crops and houses. Our dreams were shut down and we were left recounting losses. We are now struggling to rebuild our life and put food on the table.