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Elvin's family
Charcoal burning
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($349 USD)
access_time 5 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This year and beyond, I plan to continue farming in partnership with Kenya Seed Company. This will be crucial as it will allow me to comfortably support my children's education and meet other household needs. Thanks to the support from GiveDirectly, I am determined to approach farming differently this time. I plan to buy water pumps, something I didn’t have before. With these, I will be able to irrigate my farm, reducing the risk of a poor harvest. This will make my farming venture sustainable, as I will no longer rely solely on the rains to grow crops.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What stood out to me about GiveDirectly is its unconditional cash transfer program. At first, I thought it was a loan or a grant, but I soon realized it was unconditional cash that I could use to meet my specific needs. My recommendation for GiveDirectly is to continue with this approach and develop more follow-up strategies, as these are very effective in detecting fraud and understanding how cash has been utilized.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving $450 from GiveDirectly, I was filled with happiness and gratitude because this assistance gave me hope of recovering from the devastating effects of the recent floods. I used $300 to buy construction materials to build a new house. This amount covered the cost of iron sheets, poles, frames, and labor. Before this, I was living in a muddy house that was swept away by the floods, leaving me in a temporary makeshift shelter without a proper home. Thanks to GiveDirectly’s support, I now have a house that is spacious enough for my family. After that, I used $60 to pay school fees for my two children in secondary school, one in Form One and the other in Form Three. They attend a local day school, and before the cash transfers, they had missed a few days of school due to unpaid fees. Now, with the help of GiveDirectly, they have been able to attend school consistently. I also used $60 to buy food for my family, which was essential because the floods that affected us destroyed my farm, leaving me with no harvest. This money helped us put food on the table despite the tough circumstances. Additionally, I spent $30 to buy an extra bed since we now have more space in the new house. This has brought greater comfort to my family, and we are thankful for the assistance from GiveDirectly that has significantly improved our living conditions.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($155 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was Sunday afternoon, and I had just come back from church, feeling very stressed. A few days earlier, on Friday, my children were sent home from school because I couldn’t pay their fees. I was worried and didn’t know where the money would come from. The thought of my children missing school made me feel even worse. As the day went on, I was deep in thought when suddenly, my sons ran into the house, shouting excitedly, "Mum! GiveDirectly has sent money!" At first, I didn’t believe it. I quickly picked up my phone to check, and to my surprise, the money was really there. I was so happy and relieved that I started praying, thanking God for such a wonderful blessing. The next day, I was able to send my children back to school, feeling grateful for the help that came at just the right time.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I now feel a sense of relief and comfort. Before, life was extremely difficult. I used to sleep on sacks, which left me feeling exhausted every day. But now, I sleep on a proper mattress, and it has made a huge difference in how I feel physically and emotionally. I thank God for that blessing. My family is happier, and we have a bit more stability. The floods had destroyed my house and washed away some of my chickens, even taking my previous mattress. It was a tough time, but with the cash support, I’ve been able to rebuild small parts of our life, settle bills, and make our home more comfortable again. The support has brought us hope and a chance to recover from the damage.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Raising eight children is very challenging, but I always want to see my children living a good life, just like others. Right now, neither my husband nor I have jobs, and I am pregnant, expecting a baby. This makes it hard for me to do difficult jobs, like burning charcoal, which is our main source of income. Life has been overwhelming, especially after the floods destroyed our property. I felt hopeless, but I thank GiveDirectly for helping me when I needed it most. With the money I received, I spent $100 on school fees. I used to farm and sell the harvest to pay for fees, but last year, I couldn’t harvest anything because the floods destroyed all my maize. I also used $50 to buy a mattress and utensils, as the floods ruined what we had, leaving me with nothing. For a while, I had been sleeping on a bed without a mattress. Finally, I spent the remaining $50 on food to make sure we had enough, as we can’t burn charcoal right now because the floods have made it impossible.
access_time 4 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I plan to allocate $423 towards covering the fees for my two children in secondary school and partially funding the fees for the student entering college. This will ensure their education continues uninterrupted. Additionally, $231 will be dedicated to constructing a new house for my family, replacing the one destroyed by floods. This will provide ample space and comfort for my family. Furthermore, $192 will be used to purchase food and clothing, as well as to establish a small grocery business selling vegetables and milk. This initiative aims to address our food shortage and create a sustainable source of income for the family in the future.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Harvesting my maize farm in January brought immense joy and relief. From the 6 bags of 90 kilograms each that were harvested, I allocated two bags to settle school fees. The remaining four bags provided enough food for my family, ensuring we had sufficient food during that time.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Paying school fees for my two secondary school children poses a significant challenge for me. I am unable too to send one of them to college due to financial constraints. The floods that destroyed one of our houses have left us with inadequate living space as i cannot afford to rebuild due to lack of funds. Securing enough food for my family is another pressing issue; earning just $2 daily from manual labor is insufficient to feed my family of 10. As a result, there are times when they have to go without adequate meals due to financial limitations.