GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Anastasia's family
access_time 30 days ago
Anastasia received a $425 initial payment.
"I took $150 as lock savings so that when I get the 2nd transfer I will use it to start a business. I then bought 2 2 matresses and a bed using $180. I had a very old mattress and no bed and we used to sleep on the floor. One of the mattresses was for my mother because she was staying with us as she was unwell. I then bought a mosquito net using $15 to ensure that we were safe from mosquitoes and bought a water container to collect water as we have a water scarcity in our area.and this costed me $29 I then bought some household utensils using $15. I then used the remainder to buy household food items, clothes and on my mother's transportation as she went for prayers when she was sick."
Kalume's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kalume received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"As I had planned earlier to invest in watermelon farming, I couldn't proceed due to unfavorable weather conditions. Instead, I decided to focus on investing in a goat rearing business. I've begun saving part of my transfer for this project because goats multiply quickly, and I can sell some if I need money for other projects. This season, I also invested in maize farming, planting a larger area expecting a bumper harvest. Unfortunately, we didn't receive enough rain, and harsh weather conditions destroyed everything. This experience has reinforced the importance of having a backup plan, such as goat rearing."
Jumwa's family
access_time 1 month ago
Jumwa received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"The current house is in poor condition, with weakened mud walls and corroded iron sheets that let in water whenever it rains, making the space damp. To build a better home, I have started saving in our merry-go-round group. When I received my most recent transfer, I spent $34 on my chama contribution to help me reach my goal. Additionally, I spent $34 to pay fees for my school-going children, ensuring they are not sent home for fee balances and have ample time to study. Finally, I spent $34 to buy food for my family, ensuring my children have something to eat."
Florence's family
access_time 1 month ago
Florence received a $427 initial payment.
"Before, I used to sleep on the floor. It was uncomfortable, and I often woke up with aches and pains. But now, thanks to the money I received, I have a bed. I can't describe the difference it has made. Sleeping on a proper bed has improved my sleep quality and overall health significantly. Not only that, but I also now live in a good house with an iron roof. Before, my house was made out of palm leaves, and it leaked whenever it rained. We couldn't sleep through the night because of the constant dripping water. But with the transfers from GiveDirectly, I was able to repair my house and put a proper roof over our heads. Now, we sleep soundly, regardless of the weather. The peace of mind and comfort this has brought to my family is immeasurable."
Shadrack's family
access_time 1 month ago
Shadrack enrolled.
"Farming is the main livelihood activity we practice in our village because we still have a large piece of land in the community. Early this year in February I was lucky to get a fertile piece of land on the shores of lake Baringo, getting that 2 acre piece of land and planting watermelon on it brought happiness into my life because I will earn a lot of money after harvesting but that happiness turned into sorrow after floods. But Iam happy because iam still energetic and my family are healthy and iam also optimistic that things will work out well with time."
Nayeni's family
access_time 1 month ago
Nayeni enrolled.
"I usually depend on farming as a source of income for my family because I have a large agricultural land but due to financial challenges to buy Generator and water pipes for irrigation iam not able to cultivate it. I am now depending on charcoal burning to fend for my family which is the biggest challenge iam facing because iam not able to see clearly due to the infection of prosopis smoke."
Viola's family
access_time 1 month ago
Viola received a $349 third payment.
"For years, my family lived in a simple mud-walled house that collapsed during rains, making our nights very uncomfortable. I knew we needed a better home. With $185, I slowly built a one-room house with iron sheets using the second and third transfers. Finally, we had a strong, weatherproof shelter – a small but significant step towards a better future.Despite the challenges of flooding, the iron sheets held strong, providing us with much-needed security. I also invested $80 in fuel for generators to pump water from the nearby river to my farm, focusing on agriculture to grow and store maize for drought seasons. Though the floods destroyed half a hectare of my maize, I continued working hard to provide for my family.Additionally, I used $150 to buy three goats, which serve as a safety net for emergencies or school fees for my children. Life has been tough, and sometimes we’ve gone to bed hungry. I earn a living by burning charcoal and working on other people’s farms. Raising five children alone as a single mother is hard, but I remain focused on creating a better life for us.I am very thankful for the support from GiveDirectly. Their help has been a ray of hope, allowing me to improve our lives and build a brighter future for my children."
Franklin's family
access_time 1 month ago
Franklin enrolled.
"Our main house was partly destroyed by the flash floods that occurred in the month of April. GiveDirectly's cash transfer will help me renovate our house and make it habitable. This will cost $150 of my transfers. I have been thinking of starting a poultry farm to boost my family income. My financial struggle made it difficult for me to implement this project. I am happy that this dream will come true when I receive my transfers from GiveDirectly. I will use $180 of the transfers to kickstart this project. I am also struggling to irrigate my farm since I do not have water pipes to supply water. I usually borrow pipes from my neighbors and this delays my farming process. I will spend $400 of my transfers from GiveDirectly to buy two HDPE water pipes."
Halima's family
access_time 1 month ago
Halima received a $427 initial payment.
"I went to fetch some water at a nearby water source while my phone was charging at home. I was with a neighbor who had her phone with her, and she received a message about her transfer from GiveDirectly on our way back. When we got home, I checked my phone and was overjoyed to see the M-Pesa notification. I couldn't wait to withdraw the money to start building a house for my children."
Sharon's family
access_time 1 month ago
Sharon enrolled.
"I want to shift my focus into farming next season, we use water from river Perkerra to irrigate our farms and this is not possible without a generator to pump water from the river. GiveDirectly's cash transfer will help me to acquire one generator costing $350. I am also planning to spend $300 of my transfers to plant maize crop and vegetables. This will reduce my burden of working on casual jobs to put food on the table for my loved ones. It is shamming that we do not have a toilet in our family. With the transfers from GiveDirectly, I will be able to build one for my family."