GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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7 years ago
received a $456 second payment.
"If I had never recieved the transfer, my life would still be at a very poor state. I am very grateful to Givedirectly for having given me money to also change my life stlye financially, socially and economically."
View Kamia's
7 years ago
received a $456 second payment.
"If I had never recieved the transfer, I think my children and I would be malnourished because at the time there was out break of famine. Now that I recieved the transfer, my family and I are health and living in harmony "
View Sarah's
7 years ago
received a $456 second payment.
"Had I not received the cash transfer, poverty would have killed me. But now I see a very big change in my life because I can afford good clothes and very soon I am becoming rich when my grinding mill starts operating. "
View Jackson's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent 20,000 KES of my third transfer on paying fee for my husband who is pursuing a Diploma Course in Early Childhood Education Development at Bondo Teacher's Training College. I had earlier paid for him 10,000 KES from my second transfer and 3,000 KES from my first transfer since by then he had been at home for 3 months due to fee non-payment, until GD transfers bailed us out. I then invested 5,000 KES on a small scale tomatoes, sugar, salt, vegetable, fruits and sardines business. With the business profits, I have joined a Women Group where I have been saving 550 KES per month, with a vision of one day borrowing and initiating a Poultry Project since I already have the materials bought from the balance after paying my spouse's Training fee and starting a business."
View Jacklin's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"Initially, I lived in a house of 4 iron sheets. I hope you can imagine the size of a house made of 4 iron sheets-extremely small and therefore when I received my third transfer, I built a bigger one of 30 iron sheets-the house is big enough and I really feel elevated in life-I can easily invite and accommodate visitors."
View Jemima's
7 years ago
received a $485 third payment.
"When I received my third transfer, I completed the construction of my main house that I had started constructing with the second one. I decided to construct the house since my former one was too tiny to accommodate us more comfortably."
View Lucy's
7 years ago
received a $97 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I no longer ask neighbors for most of the household items that I lacked before then since I have acquired them, for instance cooking devices and equipment."
View Mary's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent my entire third transfer on building a three room house which I began using my second transfer, because I had a very bad and old house which was threatening to fall on me yet as a widow I could not do much due to low finances.Thank you very much."
View Risper's
7 years ago
received a $485 third payment.
"My son in form three had a school fees balance worth 20000 KES and I couldn't raise the money and keep him in school and therefore when I received my third transfer, I cleared the arrears. And used the rest of the money to start a tailoring shop that I rely on for my daily read."
View Emilly's
7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I spent 18,000 KES of my third transfer on enrolling my spouse for a Driving /Motor Mechanics Course on apprenticeship basis that will last for 6 months.He always wanted to train and look for a job but we had no finances until GD supported us. He aims to acquire employable skills as a Driver /Mechanic to enable him support his family in future.I spent the balance on basic furniture and utensils.I am so very happy again since I managed to redeem my own Secondary school Certificate that had been held by school authorities for 5 years due to unpaid fee balance of 7,000 KES using the second transfer received from GD.A few weeks back I used that Certificate in successfully applying for a Sales and Marketing job,which I got and I am due to begin working soon.Thank you"
View Josephine's