GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Amina's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Amina enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I am faced with is inadequacy of money to cater for the scholastic needs of my children. "
Stella's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Stella enrolled.
"Receiving this money means building an iron roofed house and buying scholastic materials for my daughter who is studying in primary seven."
Peter's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Peter enrolled.
"The biggest hardship which i face is lack of enough land for ploughing. "
Annah's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Annah enrolled.
"The biggest hardship which i face in my life is too much sickness which always puts me down and takes alot of money for treatment. "
Mercy's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Mercy enrolled.
"Receiving this money makes me happy since I can now use it to accomplish my poultry project. "
Hellen's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Hellen enrolled.
"The biggest hardship which i face in my family is lack of oxgyen for ploughing .and this has made me to record low agricultural production in my family.hence causing famine. "
Winniey's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Winniey enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that i have faced is inability to provide for my family's basic needs since my husband and I don't have a stable source of income to rely on. "
Edisa's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Edisa enrolled.
"My biggest hardship is inadquency of money to cater for my children's educational needs."
Jane's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Jane received a $638 second payment.
"My life is very different right now because I fenced my homestead and I no longer get disturbed by hippopotamus that I used to destroy my farm products before. Apart from that, I finished paying all the school fees arrears that I had before."
Rose's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Rose received a $478 third payment.
"I did spend my transfer to build my self a house. I was living in a leaking house and it was a bit small. I as well bought a cow. This costed me 45,000 KES."