GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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Happy Holidays!
GDLive updates will be slower while GiveDirectly's Africa offices are closed over the holidays.
over 5 years ago
"The biggest hardship I faced is sickness. I was once Operated and my uterus removed. The scure has always prevented me from engaging in to heavy work like digging. This has hindered me from providing basic needs to my children since I depend on farming."
View Angella's
over 5 years ago
"The biggest hardship I face is lack of income generatiing activity. I mainly depend on Agriculture as a source earning. This has proved not paying due to seasonality of rain partner, so Iam un able to sustain my family well."
View Silver's
over 5 years ago
"Receiving this money means that I will straight away construct a permanent house which is iron roofed because the house Iam living in is grass thatched. Getting grass has become difficult and also the house it's self is small and cannot house all my family members. My plan is also to recover some gardens that I staked because I had taken somebody's money."
View Okiror's
over 5 years ago
"Receiving this money means that I will construct an Iron roofed house that will accomodate my family. The house we are living in is small and cannot accomodate my expanding family. Besides that, the balance of the money will be used to plaster the old house and also hire a piece of land that will help me produce more food for the family."
View Rose's
over 5 years ago
received a $23 fifteenth payment.
"I expect my life to have changed because I will be having livestock. The heifer that I recently bought will have calved and this will add to my sources of income. I will be using the money I get from selling milk to meet my daily needs. Furthermore, I will be using the milk money to buy farm inputs in time which will add to my incomes as farming in time is profitable too."
View Jane's
over 5 years ago
received a $23 fifteenth payment.
"In the next six months, I expect my life to change in that, I will have put up the two business which had earlier collapsed. This excites me because I will no longer depend on business in order to put food in the table. I will start with my poultry farm because they require less attention and their demand is very high. It is the most promising business which may open other businesses that I have in mind. My next six months is the period that will help me improve my living standards for good."
View Gabriel's
over 5 years ago
received a $45 second payment.
"In the next six months with the transfers from GD, I expect to be in school with minimal distractions caused by fee breaks. I anticipate being settled in school with a nill fee balance."
View George's
over 5 years ago
received a $23 fifteenth payment.
"In the next six months, I expect my life to change in that, I will have joined college. I have already decided on which course to take and very soon I will be among the learned few in this village. I decided to go to college because I believe education is everything. It is the only asset that nobody will take away from me. Even if I don't get employed, I can use the skills which I acquired to employ people instead."
View Paul's
over 5 years ago
received a $23 fifteenth payment.
"In the next six months, It is my wish to have cleared payment of all school fees for the remaining terms for my three children who are still in secondary school. Two of them will be completing their form four comes November which will be a relief to me. This would enable me to dwell more and redirect my resources to subsistence farming since that is the most productive sector as far as our farming is concern. I have a plan to lease more pieces of land to put under cultivation where I will be planting more beans, maize, and potatoes in some parts. It is also my prayer that all my children will pass their secondary exams so that they can join their tertiary level of education."
View Samwel's
over 5 years ago
received a $23 fifteenth payment.
"My prayer in the next few months is to buy more sheep. I want to increase their number because they are always cheap but once they mature and get healthier their prices will become double. I have the means to feed them and ensure they get to the size I want. I also have the necessary equipment and skills to ensure this business doesn't fail any time soon. It is my biggest investment that will enable me to pay children's school fees and achieve other bigger goals that I wouldn't have achieved by depending on casual jobs alone. I want to be financially stable and this is the surest way of being so."
View Agnes's