GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 5 years ago
"The biggest hardship that I face in my life is poor housing/accommodation. The house I sleep in leaks at night due to the holes made by rats. When it rains, it causes damage to household items like bedding and food. At night, it leaks all over and that means that we have to stay a wake until When it stops. This is a lot of inconvenience to my household and we have lost valuable items like documents to the leaky roof."
View Mastula's
over 5 years ago
"Receiving this moeny means my household will be able to acquire oxen that will support the household in ploughing our farm and as well as for other people in exchange for money that will support the household. Besides, when a cultivate crops in that dark land, there will be a likelihood of early planting and hence high yields which will increase household resilience to external shocks."
View Jamiya's
over 5 years ago
"The biggest hardship that I face is inadequate income at household level. I am a single parent and I struggle to look for income through farming and casual work. This is some times not reliable because of changes in the weather pattern which affects yields hence low income. "
View Abdallah's
over 5 years ago
received a $533 initial payment.
"I realized that GiveDirectly had sent me money in the morning after one of my children asked if I had also received mine. I then requested him to help me check my Mpesa balance and to my surprise, the money was already in my account. I felt so happy knowing that I would be able to build a decent permanent house that I had wished for long."
View Angelina's
over 5 years ago
received a $515 second payment.
"In my village, we do experience water shortage especially during the drought season and the water points are far almost 4 kilometers away hence it is always tiresome to bring water home after going through several trips. The water from the water points is not clean given that people bath, wash clothes, defecate at the banks and children also play in the water, therefore, there was a risk of contracting water-borne diseases to my family. Currently, my life has greatly changed in that my family now has access to clean domestic water use after purchasing a water tank which has a capacity of 3500 litters. I am happy that I have saved my family from the risk of water-borne diseases and we can get extra time to relax too."
View Richard's
over 5 years ago
received a $533 initial payment.
"My daily life is different from how it was before because I have been able to build a decent and spacious kitchen for my family. I had started saving some money to use in achieving this but had to use it to pay for my children's school fees when they were sent back home. I am now glad since fulfilling this has allowed me to have different goals in life that I would like to achieve."
View Chepkoech's
over 5 years ago
received a $515 second payment.
"My life is different from how it would have been if I never received these transfers because I now own a dairy cow which wouldn't have been possible before as we depended on my spouse's income entirely that could only meet the small household needs. This situation forced me to buy milk for my family's consumption and on those days when we could not afford to buy it meant that my children had no option but to have black tea which I felt was a compromise to their health. With this dairy cow, it acts as our alternative source of income. I am able to sell two litters of milk worth 150 KES on a daily basis that cater for our daily meals. Secondly, having purchased a piece of land with the second transfer it is also an honor to me and my family. I really appreciate how GiveDirectly has changed my living standard."
View Gladys's
over 5 years ago
received a $467 initial payment.
"My life has improved ever since I received this cash transfer. I was able to repossess my farm land and rented another piece of farm land where I have cultivated cassava on a large scale. When I harvest it, I intend to sell it and build a permanent house. Previously, I never had where to cultivate but depended on casual labour to provide basic needs for my family."
View Paul's
over 5 years ago
received a $533 initial payment.
"I was woken up by the message notification early in that morning and on checking, I found out to be a message from GiveDirectly informing me that I had received my first transfer from them. I felt happy and thankful to GiveDirectly for financial assistance."
View Kabibi's
over 5 years ago
received a $467 initial payment.
"Since I thought I had not got my transfer and had called the hotline to inquire about it. I was then told that my money was sent and had ti check my account balance. On checking and seeing my money, at that moment I felt so happy and excited that I did not return the call that I was told to invade money was there. I rushed to withdraw it."
View Paul's