GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 5 years ago
"Spending sleepless nights due to the bad condition of my house has been the biggest challenge in my life. I have wished to have a good house but due to financial instability, I have never accomplished my desire. Being the only breadwinner for my family of 5, I am totally relying on charcoal burning activity which earns me 3 dollars per day. This income simply means food to my family leaving no coin for the other needs, resulting in my children drop out of school. Therefore financial instability is my biggest hardship in life."
View Haluwa's
over 5 years ago
"Access to food security has been the biggest hardship we face in our family. This is mainly attributed to prolonged droughts that has rendered our farms unproductive hence my spouse spends the little amount of income he earns from engaging in casual jobs in purchasing food for the family. Investing in long term development projects has therefore been impossible to us"
View Caro's
over 5 years ago
"Imagine sleeping in a grass thatched, leaking and almost collapsing house! It has been a hard moment to me especially this rain season. I have recently spent sleepless nights, a situation which does not give me peace of mind. Since my husband is old and jobless, it hardly been easy to construct a new one or even to repair the one I currently use. Therefore, financial instability to have a respectable shelter has been my biggest hardship."
View Jumwa's
over 5 years ago
"A decent house is what receiving this money means to me. Imagine seeking shelter from my relative during this rain season!!, it has been a very thorny moment to me. My greatest desire has been to own an admirable house that can restore my lost honor from the neighbours. Considering this ambition, I have opted to construct a spacious iron roofed house in order to replace the old one. Part of the transfers will help me to buy goats that will act as a long term investment, in order to sustain my children's education when I sell them after they multiple. This will change my life for the better, a transformation that I have long wished."
View Riziki's
over 5 years ago
"Financial constraint is our biggest hardship. Since my husband and I only rely on charcoal trade to fend for our 3 children, the income generated is never enough to sustain the family's upkeep. The process of burning charcoal in itself is very long and by the time we manage to amass everything until the charcoal is ready for selling, it is roughly over one week. During this period,there is no source of income and as such,my children on more than one occasion go to bed without eating anything since there is no income flowing to buy food. Ever since my son joined secondary school, he has been sent back home so many times for fee arrears to an extent that I have even lost count. As we speak it is 2 weeks since he returned in need of the accumulated ksh.8000 and I have no idea where to get it from."
View Sidi's
over 5 years ago
"We have been struggling to pay school fees for our two children in secondary school and one in college.Aside from those,there are another two who completed secondary school studies and did well but could not proceed to college because we could not afford to sustain all of them in school at the same time.Receiving this money will enable me pay a part of their fees as well as invest in poultry farming which will in turn provide an income to meet all the fees costs as they proceed with their studies."
View Hellen's
over 5 years ago
"Last year and part of this year,I did not have any maize harvest.This was mainly attributed to a certain crop disease coupled with poor rainfall.Maize farming is what my family mainly depends on both for consumption and sale to raise money for school fees.This time was therefore the most difficult time for us because aside from looking for money to buy food,we also had to try to raise school fees for my child in secondary school.Since my spouse and I are not in any form of employment,we had to seek casual jobs and used the little we earned to meet all these needs; which was hardly enough.Our second harvest this year was however far much better.This is the biggest hardship I have faced."
View Joyce's
over 5 years ago
"Burning charcoal for a living has never been easy because of its cumbersome nature. At some point I felt that I needed to do a lighter job and went ahead to start a cafe business. However, it did not succeed because of inadequate capital. This forced me to resume burning charcoal which has been my source of income to date. Therefore, receiving this money means reopening my hotel business. I will pair up with my sister who has experience in the same, thus reducing the cost of hiring an extra person. This business will help us take care of our children and give them the quality life they deserve. In addition to this, we will set up a goat rearing project that will help us cater for financial emergencies."
View Katsele's
over 5 years ago
"The biggest hardship I face is lack of money for Educating my daughter. Iam getting very little from casual labour which can not support payment of her fees hence some times she is chased or delays reporting school. This is affecting her academic performance."
View Joseph's
over 5 years ago
"The biggest hardship I face is sickness. My children are so sickly and I spend a lot money that could be used for providing other neccessities in the family. Iam therefore unable to engage in to farming since a lot of money and time is wasted in treatment."
View Teddy's