GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
"The biggest hardship faced currently is sleeping under this small hut which leaks when it rains, and not spacious enough for the family. When it rains, we have to fold beddings and remain standing till it stops ."
View Dinah's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means building a simple iron sheet roofed house because I am fed up of frequently looking for roofing grass for the hut I am using."
View David's
5 years ago
received a $22 sixteenth payment.
"In six months’ time, I expect to have already begun supplying milk in my village. As noted earlier, this is one business that does well in our region and I am sure when it has picked, I will be able to sustain myself and even my family when the transfers from GiveDirectly have come to an end. I also hope that the business will also be an eye-opener to other business that I should plan to venture in them as well."
View Benson's
5 years ago
received a $490 third payment.
"My new goal is to start a barbershop next to my salon. I will want to target all kinds of personalities. When this actualizes, I am certain of getting more income for my development goals."
View Syphrose's
5 years ago
received a $364 second payment.
"I had no source of income before I received these transfers because I was still nursing my last born child which is why I had to put my business on hold, so I thought it wise to use the transfers to buy more stock and run the business near my house. I used part of the second transfer to buy more stock, took care of the household requirements such as rent payment and buying of foodstuff then cleared off some fee balance my children had in their school then gave some of the money to my mother and brother for their own use."
View Aisha's
5 years ago
received a $539 initial payment.
"Before GiveDirectly came for enrollment, I had a lot of worries about how I would be able to get enough money to use in building a spacious house for my family. I knew that this would not be easy since I usually struggle so much looking for money to use in buying our daily needs. Having enough timber that I will use in building a bigger and decent house for my family is a big milestone in meeting my goals. Also, my family now sleep comfortably daily due to enough beddings that I was able to buy using my transfers. Being able to achieve all this at the same time is the biggest difference in my daily life. I am certain that this would have been impossible had it not have been for GiiveDirectly."
View Robert's
5 years ago
received a $364 second payment.
"I have a soda and snacks business that I revived using the first transfer I received. This business had previously collapsed due to mismanagement and consumption of all the profits and even the capital. The business is so far doing great as I recently boosted it even more by adding more stock with part of the money I received. I used the money I had left after restocking to buy roofing sheets which I plan to use in the construction of a new house back in my rural home where I do not have a house at the moment. Some of the money was used to transport the sheets home."
View Ochieng's
5 years ago
received a $539 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have built a better and spacious house for my family. We used to live in a small mud house that could not host all my family members comfortably. The house was also leaking from the inside and cooking during the rainy season was a big problem. I depend on casual jobs in the village to earn an income and I use this to pay part of the school fees for my children. I also do small scale farming and the produce from the farm is only for consumption. Getting money to construct a house was a big challenge. My children could spend nights and the neighbor's and this was demoralizing them in that they could not finish their assignment on time. currently, I have built a better house that can host all the family members comfortably and we are no longer exposed to cold like before. My children are no longer spending nights at the neighbors which were so risky because of the movement at night. I am so much happy because I no longer shy to welcome visitors to my house. I am so much grateful for the support."
View Rose's
5 years ago
received a $468 initial payment.
"I received the mobile money message early in the morning. When I checked my account, I was amazed by what I read. This was a miracle because I had never held such an amount of money all my life."
View Odeke's
5 years ago
received a $539 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life since I received the first transfer is the great changes in the appearance of our household.
We have made to change a lot and what amazes me most is the improved cleanliness both of the household facilities and also my children who are now dressed well in new clothing which they never had before."
View Anna's