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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 5 years ago
received a $470 initial payment.
"The moment I received money, I felt very happy because I was in position to buy things which I needed most like additional ox."
View Julius's
almost 5 years ago
received a $470 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is the joy I feel seeing that my house that had remained incomplete for years has now been completed. Prior to completing this house, it was always so rocky, dusty and unpleasant in that the ground was not leveled."
View Stella's
almost 5 years ago
received a $40 fifteenth payment.
"I was the sole breadwinner of my family before I was enrolled in the program as my wife did not have any source of income. She was unable to take up any job offers or go out in search of daily casual jobs because she could not leave behind our little child. When I started receiving the transfers, I decided to set her a grocery business near the house where she now earns some money that can help take care of some of our household needs. A lot of pressure has been taken off me because I know that in case I fail to make any money from the casual jobs that I mostly rely on, my family will still have a meal. Before the project, my family would go hungry if I failed to provide because there was no alternative source of income and all eyes were always on me."
View Bonface's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-third payment.
"My expectation in the near future is to have a good dairy cow that will supply us with enough milk for household use. I currently have one indigenous cow but its productivity is quite low and we are sometimes forced to buy some more milk. To meet these expectations, I am already planting napier grass such that by the time we buy the dairy cow, we will have enough feed for it. We will sell the excess milk to our neighbours for an income that will also go a long way in meeting some of our daily needs. Owning a good dairy cow is also an achievement!"
View Clara's
almost 5 years ago
received a $40 fourteenth payment.
"I spent my transfer on paying for a carpentry course which I am currently undertaking. I registered for the course because of the transfers. Without the transfers, I would not have registered for the course since I did not have the income to help me pay for it. I have saved some amount of transfer just for security reasons. Just in case I have any financial need, I do not go begging. The rest of it I used on buying food. We did not have enough to even last us for a week hence I decided to boost the stock I had left."
View Moses's
almost 5 years ago
"I am a single mother of two children. Although they are still in junior level primary school, my concern is to prepare for when they join secondary school in future. Consequently, I am planning to buy a good dairy cow worth $350 as store for wealth and source of income so as to save for their education."
View Sarah's
almost 5 years ago
"Imagine being a mother of six with a bedridden husband diagnosed with malignant ulcers, two children in secondary school and three in primary school, jobless and has to depend on menial jobs in the village to shoulder all family responsibility. On a good day I come home with $2 or payment in kind in the form of maize or pumpkin. I cannot raise enough money for food let alone my children's school fees and my husband's medical. My family's future to me appears so bleak and hopeless. This is the biggest hardship I face in life."
View Joyce's
almost 5 years ago
"My biggest hardship is lack of capital to reopen my grocery business that was doing well before collapsing due to too much debt. I am now forced to work casual jobs that earn me less than 3 dollars a day which can hardly meet our needs of food, education and my own place to call home after being kicked out of my matrimonial home."
View Salama's
almost 5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I will be able to build a nice retirement home for me and my husband. The current is too small and weak to persevere bad weather such as strong winds. We will spend about 50,000 shillings on this and use the rest to buy oxen and ox plough to ensure we have enough food for our household."
View Kadzo's
almost 5 years ago
"My biggest struggle has been limited finances to meet our goals and dreams. With an income of less than 5 dollars a day from my husband's motorcycle taxi, buying food, paying for education etc has been difficult. Our plan to rear livestock and expand our house has had to be put on hold for years as a result."
View Mapenzi's