GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-third payment.
"After the lease period for the person I had leased my land to came to an end, I decided that since I am able to meet the needs using the monthly transfers I get, I decided not to lease it out. I have started planting tea seedlings in the said piece of land, though in a small portion. My expectation in the next six months is to ensure that I continue planting the remaining portion. This will in the future be a constant source of income and it will help us meet our basic needs and ensure my children get the education because I will have the capability of paying their school fees."
View Wesily's
almost 5 years ago
received a $40 fifteenth payment.
"My main goal is to boost my career as a photographer/videographer by having high-tech equipment that will also ensure quality work. I am currently using cheap equipment that do not have as many features as I would like so that I can offer more services to my customers. I would like to save most of these transfers and my earning so that I can eventually purchase the equipment that I desire to have in order to improve my job."
View Martin's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-third payment.
"In the next six months, I do expect to have improved my farming and I will have also bought a cow. This means we will no longer have to purchase milk, and from the sales made from the poultry business, I will comfortably be able to sustain my family. My children's school attendance will also improve since by then I am certain that I will have settled their school fees. I am looking forward to a smooth flow of activities in my household."
View Joyce's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-fourth payment.
"In the next six months, my life will have changed in that I will have cleared paying school fees for my two children in secondary schools. I am planning to sell part of my produce after harvesting and use the money to pay school fees for them. This will enable them to have enough time for their studies since they will never be sent back home. With this, I am optimistic that their grades in school will improve since they will be having enough time for their revision without them worrying about being sent back home."
View Daisy's
almost 5 years ago
received a $526 second payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that I now have a stable reliable source of Income. I managed to buy a dairy cow and fortunately it has started producing milk. Of which l sell some milk in our local market and some for my family consumption. Since the milk has started getting me some income, my family has never gone to bed hungry. We are able to at least meet our daily basic needs. My son also now have his own sleeping room and there he does not need to look for a place to sleep in from the neighbour's as he used to do before. I also now have a very comfortable place where my visitors too can spend as compared to before when they were sleeping in my kitchen."
View Joshua's
almost 5 years ago
received a $545 second payment.
"The biggest difference in life is that l managed to plant sugarcane in three hectares of land that I have never done in my life. I am very sure once I started harvesting them, my life will definitely change because I am sure I will get enough money out of it and spend the money to catter for my family needs. I am now hopefull that this my starting point of doing large scale farming in sugarcane and I will not stop at this point since l would want to put up my own house from this and also do other investments such as livestock keeping."
View Freddie's
almost 5 years ago
received a $526 second payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that I have managed to have a stable investment where I will be able to pay school fee for my children with ease without bothering people. When the goats will have mature I will sell them and pay school fee to my children. I am also very stress free after spending the money I received from give directly to pay school fee for my child who was almost dropping out of school, I am now sure of my child completing her secondary school. "
View Pauline's
almost 5 years ago
received a $545 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is owning goats as assets that I can depend on to pay my children's school fees and to carter for emergencies that may arise. I believe that raising cash to educate my young children will not be a challenge for me. I am keeping these goats so that they can reproduce faster. I plan to work on saving by selling them once they are ready. Through this plan, I am certain of settling my children's school fees with ease, supplementing with my income."
View Julius's
almost 5 years ago
received a $545 initial payment.
"I received a message notification early in the morning. It was unusual to get a message at such an hour and I was curious to know who the sender was. When I checked, I realized that I had received some money from GiveDirectly. I was greatly overjoyed because I had never received such an amount before. I never even dreamed of ever getting that much in my life. I thanked GiveDirectly for this fortune."
View Sidi's
almost 5 years ago
received a $545 initial payment.
"I remember hearing a vibration sound on my phone. Due to curiosity, I decided to check the content of the message. I couldn't hold back the joy that instantly filled my heart after noticing that I had received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. It was the beginning of a change in my life that I had yearned for a very long time."
View Kanze's