GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 5 years ago
received a $545 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have bought building materials ready to build a better and spacious house for my family. I depend on small scale farming to earn a small income to meet the basic needs of my family. I did not have an extra shilling to buy building material to build a house. I could shy away most of the time to welcome visitors to my house because I had no space to host them. This was very embarrassing because I have many friends who always visits me at home. When I received the money I started to buy building materials and now I am planning to start the construction process soon. My family will have a better and spacious house and I will be happy to welcome the visitors without any fear."
View Maritim's
almost 5 years ago
received a $470 initial payment.
"My life has improved because I sleep very well on my bed which I bought. Previously, my sleep was destructed by ants which could bite me. In addition, I hope to own an acre of land for farming after clearing the remaining balance with the second transfer."
View Maculate's
almost 5 years ago
received a $40 fifteenth payment.
"This month's transfer came at such a good time when my children were just going back to school and required books for the new year. I, therefore, spent the whole amount on textbooks and exercise books for the children so that I would not have to worry about it for the rest of the term."
View David's
almost 5 years ago
received a $40 fourteenth payment.
"Before the transfers, I used to strain financially because I did not have any source of income. Sometimes, I would have to seek help from my parent back at home just to meet some of my personal needs like eating. I did not like the kind of life I was leading. I only relied on income from casual motorcycle business which was not very stable. I would have to wait for someone who is off duty to use his motorcycle. In most cases, I would have to forgo meals because I did not have the money to buy food. Ever since I started receiving these transfers, my life has really improved and I do not seek help from my parents anymore. I pay rent in time and I have a good understanding with my landlord. I know when I will start the business, it will be much better than it is now."
View Maxwel's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-fourth payment.
"In the next six months, I expect that we shall have an established poultry keeping project that will earn us enough money that can be used to meet other basic household needs. This project shall also be a savings plan that will drive us towards achieving even bigger goals; that of buying a dairy cow for the family."
View Philister's
almost 5 years ago
received a $470 initial payment.
"My biggest achievement is that I have acquired equipment for farming for example an ox and a ox plough which are going to facilitate agriculture. I believe I will now be able to cultivate enough crops having hired more two acres of farm land. Before receiving the money, I had no option other than to hire oxen which was expensive and delayed work since the owners ploughed their own farms before hiring the oxen out."
View Joseph's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-fourth payment.
"I expect to have bought a piece of land, about a quarter of an acre. I will use proceeds from farming that is only possible when I invest the money I get from GiveDirectlly in short-season crops that I am currently involved in. I will have land that can serve me as a place to build my home in and also for farming."
View Willy's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-fourth payment.
"In the next six months, I expect my life to change in that I shall be more empowered economically than I currently am. I expect that I shall have already bought the dairy cow that I have planned to buy as well as start a tea planting nursery with the sole aim of having a tea plantation in future. I look forward to actualizing my plans with the help of GiveDirectly transfers."
View Francis's
almost 5 years ago
received a $23 twenty-fourth payment.
"I expect to have begun getting rental income from my shop that I am about to complete. It will be ready for occupation when I spend the next transfers in constructing shelves. I am going to be using the income to pay school fees for children in school and to meet household needs in a better way and in a good time because it will paid to me on a regular way, once every month."
View Kiplangat's
almost 5 years ago
received a $470 initial payment.
"I now own a cow which I bought with the GiveDirectly money, this cow will multiply and will be selling some to meet the family needs and invest in other businesses. I bought all the household items that I needed most (a bed , mattress, clothes). Since I got money, I stopped offering casual labor, I feel I have rested enough and I thank GiveDirectly for relieving me."
View Harriet's