GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Weldon's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Weldon received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been had I never received the transfer. This is because it would not have been possible for me to fence my compound had it not been for the transfers. Also, I would not have invested in any assets like the goats. In addition to these, my family no longer walk for a longer distance looking for water as I was able to purchase a water tank with a capacity of 3000 litres. We currently use it to harvest rain water thus enabling us to always have water at our doorstep. Apart from my family having access to clean water for domestic use cuartesy of GiveDirectly, we're always able to practice proper hand washing hygiene that helps in the fight against Covid 19."
Winny's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Winny received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been had I never received the transfer. This is because I was able to finish building a house for my family that I had left it incomplete for so long. I started building this house in the year 2017 but had not been able to finish it due to insufficient funds. I am a single mother and meeting all our needs on time is straining and I am at times forced to leave some of my projects incomplete."
Chepkoech's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Chepkoech enrolled.
"Financial constraints has been the biggest hardship I have faced in life. I am a widow and raising a family of 4 single handedly is an uphill task. I have two children who are in a nearby Primary school. Catering for both school and other domestic expenses with a meager wage of Ksh 4500 a month is hard. My intention therefore, is to spend Ksh 25,000 of my first transfer to clear all school and other domestic expenses and lead a decent life, free from debt."
Joan's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Joan received a $493 second payment.
"I spend the money I received from GiveDirectly on sofa set seats, clothes, food for for the family and the rest of the money I bought a dairy cow."
Zakayo's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Zakayo received a $493 second payment.
"I spend the money I received from GiveDirectly to build a better house for my sons and the rest of the money I bought seeds and planted on my farm."
Stela's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Stela received a $493 second payment.
"I spent 4,000 shillings of my second transfer on paying school fees and purchasing school uniforms for my four children. I used another 15, 000 shillings on purchasing furniture. Besides, I bought and installed a solar lighting system at a cost of 5,000 shillings. Still, I used 5,000 shillings on purchasing a goat for rearing. Moreover, I repaid a debt of 10, 000 shillings which we had. I spent 5,000 shillings on buying clothes for my family members. Finally, we utilized the remaining amount on purchasing food stuffs."
Joseph's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Joseph enrolled.
"I had a fall over 10 years ago which caused my knee bone to break.I then had to go for treatment which was a bit costly.Since I do not have an income,I had to sell the only cow I had to cater for this treatment.I have not been able to buy another cow.Further, I have not been in the best of health for many years now and I even walk with a limp as a result of the accident.This means that am not able to perform most manual jobs that require a little straining.Receiving this money will enable me to buy one cow at Sh 30,000.This is not only to provide milk but because herding and tending to livestock is what my frail body can handle now.I intend to do this so that its proceeds can substitute for what my farm would have produced if I had the energy to work on it.I also intend to build a better house with a part of my transfers once I get my share of my parents' land inheritance"
Caroline's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Caroline enrolled.
"I am a small business woman dealing in second had clothes. Monday, Friday and Saturday are my business market days in 3 separate towns around. I make around $350 a week from this business. My stock has declined over time because I rely on my profits to buy food for the family. Therefore upon receiving this money, I will inject $200 into the business to add on my stock, thus increasing returns. I am so grateful for GiveDirectly."
Abigael's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Abigael enrolled.
"Whereas my husband is a primary school teacher, I am a fulltime housewife. He earns $65 which can barely support our family of 3. Receiving this money is the beginning of financial independence for me as a woman. I will spend $350 to buy a dairy cow and another $100 on a small heifer. I believe that this cow will give me enough milk to sell everyday. This means I will no longer strain my husband's meager income for my personal needs and even household necessities."
Elizabeth's family
access_time almost 4 years ago
Elizabeth received a $494 second payment.
"I used approximately 30,000 shillings of my second transfer on improving our grass-tatched house by installing an iron-sheet roof. We had had suffered for a long period living in a house with a leaking roof. Also, we used 18, 000 shillings of the money on buying a cow since we owned none before. The reminder was used as school fees for one of my children who has just completed Grade 12. The transfer really helped us a lot."