GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly has done so well in my entire village and has made a great impact. This is clearly seen since most of the people in my village have decent houses whereby the previous ones were small grass-thatched. Also, our children are no studying comfortably as compared to before whereby they could drop out of school could not afford to pay the fees on time. Therefore I do not see any sector GiveDirectly did wrong"
View Beatrice's
over 3 years ago
"Lack of a reliable source of income is my biggest hardship. I mostly depend on my children who work as casual laborers. These jobs earn them 300 Kenya shillings which are not enough to cater for all their needs such as food and mine because they have other dependants."
View Dzende's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"I spend part of the money I received from GiveDirectly on building a better house. I used to live in a small house before. I also bought food and a water tank for storing water for domestic use. The rest of the money I paid school fees for my children in various School.i am so happy because GiveDirectly has changed our living standard."
View Rose's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"I spend part of the money I received from GiveDirectly on building a better house for my sons. They used to live in a grass thatched house which was almost falling apart. I also paid school fees for my children in various schools. Finally I plough my farm and bought seeds and fertilizers. The crops that I planted is almost ready for harvest. I am so happy because GiveDirectly has changed our living standard."
View Nelly's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means taking my child to vocational college. One of my children completed his secondary education level 2 years ago and scored an average grade, but due to financial challenges, I have failed to take him to college. I am planning to spend 90,000 Kenya shillings to pay all the school fees arrears for him to pursue an electrical course. I believe that once he finished it he will be employed or he can employ himself and this is going to generate income for my family. Other than that, I will invest the remaining amount to build him a house so that he can leave separately."
View Jumwa's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion GiveDirectly does well by giving money to the poor in the community to build better houses and to buy water tank for storing water for domestic use. I do not find anything that GiveDirectly did not do well."
View Caroline's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been if I never received the transfers in that I have bought a dairy cow. I used to buy milk daily and this was so costly for me. I do not have a continuous source of income. I do small scale farming and the casual jobs in the village. The amount of money that I could get from this was so small and could not meet all the basic household items including paying school fees for my children in various schools. When I received the second transfer I bought a dairy cow. I no longer buy milk because I have enough for my family.I sell the surplus at the market to earn an income to pay the school fees."
View Lilian's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion GiveDirectly does well by giving money to the poor in the community to build better houses and to pay school fees for their children. I do not find anything that GiveDirectly did not do well."
View Janet's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been if I never received the transfers in that I was able to pay school fees for my children. I have three children in secondary Schoo.I depend on small scale farming to earn income to support my family in meeting basic household needs. My children were always being sent home to collect the school fees and because I didn't had money to pay on time, they would stay at home. This was affecting their performance since lessons were on going. When I received the second transfer I felt so happy because I was in a position to pay school fees on time. My children were not sent home.Their performance improved compared to other terms. I am so happy and this has given me peace of mind to do other chores at home peacefully."
View Marita's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"In my opinion GiveDirectly does well by giving money to the poor in the community to build better houses and to buy dairy cows. I do not find anything that GiveDirectly did not do well."
View Vivian's